Just In
for Art Criticism

10/30/2010 c18 7Sweela
I really love your story... can't wait for next part!
10/30/2010 c18 Deewhan
Yeah they are back on track, wow James totally went out of his comfort zone here in exposing himself to Turkish and he actually seemed to understand James' feelings. Lucky boy, James.
10/30/2010 c17 Deewhan
Love the inclusion of his mother here, things really appear to be looking up for James. As we see a more mopey but more mature James who seems to be less afraid of his feelings. Haha James analogy of feeling like a junky, just lol.
10/30/2010 c16 Deewhan
Aw what a complete change in the mood of this chapter from the nervous but 'feel good' start to this at the end ohh poor James, he's so sweet but annoying sometimes which makes him even more endearing. You had 2 see something like that coming though, it was introduced very smoothly and naturally gotta love this chap.
10/30/2010 c18 4jammi
Wow, I read this on the 26th in one go then had to stop cause I had a midterm and a paper due over the next few days so I made a note to myself to review this story as soon as I was done and I come back ready to give my opinion on whose side I was on (both, because I could understand both of their reactions. Turkish knew James was a private person and weird about intimate things, even if Kitty hadn't seen the pictures I have a feeling James would've freaked out anyway *but* James acted as if Turkish purposely tried to hurt him and betray him instead of the fact that Turkish doesn't really think before he does things and he has said multiple times how much he likes James. Not to mention James said quite a few hurtful things to Turkish and Turkish kept trying to get on his good side even if he was a pretentious twat in the beginning).

Only to see not only had you updated but as I read on James comes to his sense and they get back together. That has to be one of the fastest reconciliations I have ever seen and I love it. Admittedly, I do love drawn out misunderstandings up to a point but I really like the fact that James admits that he messed up and tried to figure out how to fix it.

I adore this story. I love that your characters are diverse and James is a bit neurotic and Turkish isn't the brightest but he's so sweet who cares. I adore Kitty though we don't get to see a lot of her and the fact that Peter supports James even though technically he's 'better' than him when you view where they are in life.

I also like the fact that Turkish isn't the only one doing dumb things, like James' overreaction to Turkish taking his picture or when he was saying how good the architectural piece was and then he realised that it was Turkish who took it.

Another thing I really like is that although I know nothing about art, I don't feel stupid reading your story but at the same time I don't feel like their occupations are just there to make them look artsy and oh so modern and hipster or whatever. Love it.

Great story though I wonder how his family would react if he brought home not only a boyfriend but a Muslim one at that. Hahah, I wonder how Peter is going to handle the fact that James is dating Turkish, hahah, especially since he told him he was Yusef, haha.
10/28/2010 c18 1greyes
Have I mentioned I love you?

Your rapid-fire updates are fantastic, and this chapter was just plain amazing.

I really like the vulnerability James is showing. And Turkish's reactions to him in this chapter are adorable, as well.
10/28/2010 c18 jayanx
Good for James, it's nice to read a story where characters are able to grow and start to overcome obstacles. I love the fact that he's scared, but decides to do it anyways. I really like the line about the river, what a perfect way to sum up his feelings and his actions.
10/28/2010 c18 Poptart Guava King
OHMYGOD YOU FUCKING TEASE. Your Kitty is so so so much like my Kitty (best friend in real life)! And i'm so glad they're back together! I swear the entire time I was thinking "" and then when he started crying I was like "AW" and my roomate told me to shutup. *sigh* DOES NEWYORK+YUSEF=HOTNAKEDMANSEX? I hope it does. That's some great math right there.
10/28/2010 c18 BlueMoonlily
yay! the next chapter would be the best love letter of all:D
10/28/2010 c18 25Esquirella
YAY! I'm so hapy James fnally faced his greatest fear and Turkish took him back! The tree topper was a great make-up gift, too!
10/28/2010 c18 JerryOnigiri
Thanks for the update! Yay, they're back together!
10/28/2010 c18 23plumblossom
You're on a roll and you make my day.

I can hardly believe there's much more to go. It will be bittersweet, saying goodbye to these people (but unless you start introducing z cozy-style mystery at this point, they're really going to be done when they're done). And last chapter, I forgot to say, I liked Melissa Anderton's reaction, too: it was very consistent.

The reaction I can't wait to see is the one she'll have when Turkish announces he's changing direction in his work.
10/28/2010 c18 ariava
James is a darling. I still love Turkish, even though I don't like that this is 'all' James' fault - I mean James is easily crushed, Turkish did something highly embarrassing to him, his reaction was 'i can't cope with this relationship' and Turkish, instead of showing he was really sorry, just ended it and left James even more broken. I mean, Turkish knew what he was like as when he started trying to attract him, it's not like James is confident and happy and friendly by nature, so it's not fair to expect him to instantly transform.

Having said that, delighted they are back together. I hope Turkish feels so guilty. I think he did a bit when James burst into tears.

James was very brave, and showed how much he really does love Turkish, in fact, to the opposite of what Turkish said, I reckon that means James wants and loves Turkish more than Turkish does James. Having said that, it's also good that James is willing to try to change himself and make himself less of a shuttered in person.

I can't get enough of this story, out of nowhere it's just come and blew me away! I really hope you're able to continue this roll you're on!
10/28/2010 c18 2Abrasive
You dirty, dirty tease. What an awful way to end a chapter! I'm fairly certain my heart had some kind of seizure when James was attempting to get back together with Turkish. And yet another seizure when you decided to cut everything off with that frustrating cliffhanger!

If I wasn't so worried about coronary failure right now, I'd congratulate you on another wonderful chapter.
10/28/2010 c18 42Catherine Julia Jefferson
I don't think I can adequately express how happy this chapter made me. And that's really all I have to say this early in the morning.
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