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for Art Criticism

4/1/2012 c24 bbbee
*sigh* really good story. I was hoping to be there for James' first ILY, but I can live with this too ;)

Very nice story. Thanks for sharing.

1/18/2012 c24 jellyxbeans
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I literally only created my account so that I could tell you that I love this story. It's so sweet and sexy and I love it so much that I don't even get annoyed by the (extremely minor) grammar mishaps, which is saying a lot for me. Thank you for writing Art Criticism, I really enjoy it every time I read it.
1/17/2012 c24 Dark Lynnette
Fabooolous! I enjoyed his story from start to finish! Thanks.
1/16/2012 c24 1Shjsj7732
I really enjoyed reading this story! I think it is a great portrayal of a modern gay romance. I think James is a good mix of insecurities and strength. And I really like Yusef's personality. Kudos!
1/8/2012 c24 4runaway sheet
Aww, this story was so sweet and mature. I usually dislike domestic verses but this one was so airtight drama :)

I love Turkish and All the elements of Iranian culture you added. Especially food. Made it seem so modern fic, like let's get multicultural but oh look, very nicely done so it comes off as 100% normal.

Is it weird that I want to put James and Yusef in a snowglobe and hang on tree at Christmas? You probably get plenty of reviews confessing undying love for your characters, so I'll assume it's not that weird.

Any chance of another Drabble with these characters?
12/29/2011 c24 BlackNoSugar
This was a great story! I really like your writing style... Kinda reminds me of Chuck Palahniuk actually ;) (And anyone who knows a thing about me knows I absolutely love him, so that's a good thing coming from my mouth XD)

And you really knew what you were talking about! You've got great knowledge of the photographers! and you wrote Andy Warhol and not 'warhole' like too many people... So yeah. I fucking loved this! You can expect me stalking you in the future :)
12/20/2011 c24 lmnop
Very nice. Enjoyed reading this tremendously.
11/22/2011 c1 lostbookandpen
I really enjoyed this story especially around the mid part. I was a bit distracted in the beginning 'cause James felt a little too like me but it ruled. Thank you for writing this.
10/26/2011 c24 S.H. Marr
I love this. It's so cute. And the characters are really well developed and consistent. And it's well written. And I'm starting a lot of sentences with "and".

The characters are wonderful. It would be lovely to see them again in something. I'm not sure what, though, because they could do pretty much anything and amuse me.
10/24/2011 c24 4foreveran
Man this was good

I hated Turkish at first because of how James keep talking about him in his thoughts

but trukish is so sweet and they are such a nice couple

Your a really good writer thanks for a wonderful story :)
10/24/2011 c17 foreveran
aww his talk with his mom was nice at the end

and Turkish is very calm and understanding

James just needs to trust people then he will be ok :)
10/23/2011 c7 foreveran
im really liking this story

I didnt like Turkish

but im warming up to him lol
10/15/2011 c24 Annie
So, uh, I'm pretty sure I've read at least part of this story before, a very long time ago, and I kind of loved it way back then, but I didn't remember all the details... But I read it all the way through again, and I sort of fell in love all over again, just so you know. (I think this epilogue is new, and I think it's a really cute addition). My compliments to you, it's really a great story... I really love their relationship, y'know, and all of James' freaking out makes me want to poke him, but it makes him so _believable_ and (I think in Yusef's terms) _adorable_ and likeable. :) So, wonderful story, I hope you keep writing.
10/14/2011 c24 prostock69
OMG! You wrote this from Turk's POV! I love it! It's so nice to read his thoughts about James.

Fav lines: I can hear him stomping across the flat well before he gets to the bedroom. How such a little dude can make so much noise is still pretty fascinating to me. I think it is the weight of his wrath


Is it wrong that his pissed-off face makes me kind of horny? I have a private game I like to play in which I see how fast I can get him from mad, to pants off, pink cheeked and moaning. My personal best is around seventy-five seconds, but one of these days I'm going to get him down in under a minute.

I'm still laughing! Turk is just adorable. And James is still a neurotic mess. Lol!

Truly, I loved this story sooooooooo much! It's on my favs list. I will definitely be reading it again :)
10/14/2011 c23 prostock69
Ch 23: Fav line: "Kitty!" I shake my head. "You are such a hopeless pervert, you know that?"

"Uh yeah." she smirks. "So I'll take that as a big fat yes because you are turning a nice shade of red there, honey. That's so great. I'm really happy for you James." (This so cracked me up! Kitty is a hoot! Just love her :)

Yes, he's going to Turk's for Christmas! And he called his dad and his dad said in not so many words that he misses him. Awww

And Turk's family is just lovely!
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