Just In
for The Celestial City

1/12/2021 c41 Guest
This was fantastic! Thank you for sharing your work. I enjoyed it so much.
This is a quality story and I think you could get it published. It would need a lot of work if course, but I can easily imagine this book in print. It made me laugh and it made me cry. And it kept me up reading till 3:00am!
2/4/2019 c1 Chaostion
I think it's kind of weird that Louis calls himself "Louis XIV" at his father's death bed. Isn't that preemptively calling himself king? He doesn't get the enumeration until he's Regent. Maybe he might think of himself with his future title, but it's really bad form to speak it, especially given the circumstances. Plus it takes away from the rest of the scene with his father passing over leadership to him, telling him he's now King.
4/18/2016 c41 sam
great story. Just wanted to know when you will do a sequel?
11/20/2015 c41 4APlot
It took me a bit to get through, but once I hit the last 10 chapters I found I couldn't take a pause. It is such a beautiful story and I was yelled at more then once to hold down my upset yelling at some of the plot. Amazing skill and talent in this work and it will always remain as one of my favorites. If you do ever write for us again, please let me know. Happy wishes to you and thank you for the pleasure of the story.
7/9/2015 c40 3akiraneesama
Its 3am and I'm crying like a waterfall. .. so beautiful.
11/30/2014 c1 Anon
Read the entire thing. Bookmarked the story as well. Absolute perfection. Great job!
11/12/2014 c4 N
Louis' brother was gay. I don't know how else to say that and it is recorded that he showed up at court often dressed as a woman. If it's for plot you go. But just FYI
9/16/2014 c41 Krisanita
Wow,i loved it,i loved the way she nd louis could have this deep talks,fight and settle,i haven't read a story that could portray love in words since jeepers09,it was kul,i wishd she had tld peter though,am thru with the story finally,i dnt knw i didnt feel so hurt frm their seperation again,mayb bcos i read the last chapters b4 time,its a bad habit,i cnt b in suspense for too long..oh and i think you're a christain,this is the 1st story i hav read that really talks about God,and though realistic but nt sinful,the rest ar always sayn smtn lyk nt being religious,or nt believing in God,but u talkd abt God am proud..GOD BLESS
9/16/2014 c41 Krisanita
Wow,i loved it,i loved the way she nd louis could have this deep talks,fight and settle,i haven't read a story that could portray love in words since jeepers09,it was kul,i wishd she had tld peter thought,am thru with the story finally,i dnt knw i didnt feel so hurt frm their seperation again,mayb bcos i read the last chapters b4 time,it a bad habit,i cnt b in suspense for too long..oh and i think you're a christain,this is the 1st story hav read that really talks about God,and though realistic but nt sinful,the rest i hav read wr always sayn smtn lyk nt being religious,or nt believing in God,but u talkd abt God am proud..GOD BLESS
9/14/2014 c23 Krisanita
D story gets mre suspense filled wit each new chapter,nt withstanding i still love it..i dnt want louis to die,please...nd sure the regency period was 1 interesting 1,immorality was dne in curtsy,manners and in a grand style,the girls wr conservative and had etiquettes but stil,sexual stufs wr carried out like a common fling,such irony,ds days keeping a mistress is demeaning even with our decline of value,bt then it was quite common,even with their multiple layered gowns,morality was on curtsy and class in the society
6/25/2014 c26 Muslimah
Nooo :(
6/24/2014 c16 Muslimah
I kinda know that she won't marry him because I kinda skipped to the last chapter x_x. I know bad habit but I still hope she doesn't accept! Where is Louis when you need him? :(
6/24/2014 c13 Muslimah
She can't be pregnant! :( I hate you Rob!
6/21/2014 c41 Emelie
This is one of the few stories that I keep returning to - it is one of the best on fictionpress. I absolutely love it and you are an amazing author - never stop writing. It's simply amazing!
5/3/2014 c41 Anne L
When I first read it I thought 'oh, it's going to be just another cliche' but you proved me wrong. Your plot lines amazed me truly. It was fun reading such a fic. Ok, enough of praise (even though you deserve it :))
I wish you had written a bit more about her life with Peter, now don't get me wrong. He was not my favorite character or something but it was too short. Another thing you said that you'll be writing a sequel (I should not get my hopes up!) and it's been so long, like 2 years. Still, I hope that you do but it seems highly unlikely (how sad!)
I would like to know if you have any plans for the sequel and what should I expect from one of my favourite writers.
I hope that you read this review (if it can even be called that!)
I wish you have not abandoned this fic. I'm so sad that you have not posted the sequel yet can you imagine what will happen when I'll know for 'sure' that you never will!
Anyways, one of my favourite characters was Elora (love the name!) then Louis.. I really liked the character of Sameer. So complex. I sometimes think I like him more than Elora and Louis (There's something wrong with me, right!?) minor characters were okay I liked Chris' Mother. Chris was a nice guy too, liked him but not much.
The dialouge was realistic and I could just imagine the characters saying those things!
As Elora continued her 'Adventures' it felt like i was beside her watching it happen all.
So, what I'm trying to say is that it was on my favourite stories and I really like it. I wish it could one day be published.
You deserve more words, poetic words, nice words, meaningful words. But alas! I have nothing but this rant. I hope you grant me my wishes (especially my wish for a sequel)
Hope to see you writing a new story (or sequel) again!
-Anne L
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