Just In
for Figuring It Out

10/20/2010 c14 7Tipsy101
Be grateful that don't you have problems! You can spend time wishing you had something going on because your life seems a bit boring compared to everyone elses. But when you do get problems you wish your life was boring because the problems are worse than not having them! I don't even know if what I just said makes sense.

Although you said you ignore pain and stress so I'm guessing that everything is not perfect? Maybe you should talk to one of your friends and they might understand? Its not good bottling up feelings as I have learnt.
10/18/2010 c9 Tipsy101
I am exactly the same!

I wish I could film every happy memory so I could watch it back whenever I wanted. But I can't do that. So I do the next best thing.. I write down every happy memory.
10/5/2010 c14 laurenmlbc
Ignoring problems can sure help right away but in the long run..personally speaking...they make me have complete breakdowns...had one of those the other day. So much crap happened for weeks and then my battery in my car died...just in my apartment parking lot, no where scary, it could be fixed...but i LOST IT haha..just in the middle of the parking lot. It was actually rather embarrassing come to think about it, but I felt loads better afterwards.
10/5/2010 c13 laurenmlbc
Thanks for the reply, glad you appreciated the reviews! I always worry that if I review all of these on here..like how I would review all in a fanfiction chapter, people will think I'm stalking them hah. But I do it anyway...obviously.

You make a good point here...absolute statements can get you into trouble. When you have been hurt, it's so hard not to say that all guys suck, but then you go and see the ones that don't and have to change that whole perception.
10/5/2010 c12 laurenmlbc
Guys so seem to like that, I've realized...it might not help that situation, but I bet it helps you...or well writing everything out helps me anyway lol.
10/5/2010 c11 laurenmlbc
Nice...I was on the Academic Team in high school. No idea why I hated being under the pressure lol. I had a talk with one of my friends once about how smart people say we are..and how doing nothing we always got by...I was like imagine what we could do if we actually accomplished ourselves, it'd be amazing. I bet you're the same way haha.
10/5/2010 c10 laurenmlbc
Although this entry is terribly sad and just full of so much negative emotions in a way...it's simply wonderful. I wish that person could read it.
10/5/2010 c9 laurenmlbc
I honestly think I fear the loss of any memory. I don't like not knowing what happened...especially when it happened to me.
10/5/2010 c8 laurenmlbc
I completely understand you with this one. Even with contacts, it's still a pain. I hate the scary feelings that coincide with having poor vision too. Like...the feeling you get when you don't have glasses or contacts on and you are trying to walk somewhere. Everything looks like a monster to me. Great job capturing feelings for the vision impaired!
10/5/2010 c7 laurenmlbc
Breakups suck...well, I'm assuming this was a breakup. That person is stupid for whatever they did to you, but I hate when you still care anyway.
10/5/2010 c5 laurenmlbc
You know...I love all kinds of poetry...even when they don't rhyme...but I still get that kinda giddy feeling when they do haha, I don't know why. Love this one, though! Love this line: "The sky is so deep/An ocean of hope"
10/5/2010 c4 laurenmlbc
Pretty, pretty, pretty!
10/5/2010 c3 laurenmlbc
I like them though...and sometimes it's nice to have them straightforward. This is something I've never really thought about before...but it's very true.
10/5/2010 c2 laurenmlbc
You capture this soo well! Great job!
10/5/2010 c1 laurenmlbc
I just love pillowbooks...another person on here said she liked them because she likes being nosey haha...I guess that could be part of the reason, but I just love getting glimpses into other people's worlds if that makes sense. It's fun.
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