4/17/2015 c18
Are you going to be updating this anytime soon? I want to know what happens to everyone! You have my curiosity going!

Are you going to be updating this anytime soon? I want to know what happens to everyone! You have my curiosity going!
9/30/2014 c1
Amazing story July Tarrant. You sound like a professional author already. Keep it up!

Amazing story July Tarrant. You sound like a professional author already. Keep it up!
9/3/2014 c2 Eden
I love it! Please don't give up! :-)
I love it! Please don't give up! :-)
10/1/2010 c4
43losing oxygen
Sorry about not getting back to you sooner. But it's really, really good. I love it. Update as soon as possible!

Sorry about not getting back to you sooner. But it's really, really good. I love it. Update as soon as possible!
9/18/2010 c1 losing oxygen
Mega awesome. Hope you update soon! Um, yeah.
Keep up the awesome writing!
evanescent me and my dreams
Mega awesome. Hope you update soon! Um, yeah.
Keep up the awesome writing!
evanescent me and my dreams