Just In
for Sharpie Wars

9/8/2013 c1 1APassionForReadingAndWriting
Aw, I love this story! It's SO cute! Great job! :)
1/6/2013 c1 dress
my name is Emma too! Wish I had a Nate though :(
10/29/2012 c1 8theKnobblyKneedWriter
9/15/2012 c1 heal me forever
enjoyed dis nah it is full on wid LIFE nd uber uber uber cute i love it ;)
6/30/2012 c1 little.artist
What an absolutely adorable story! I loved it.
3/30/2012 c1 xEchoxInfernox
adorable, and absolutely hilarious=D. i love it, gave me warm fuzzies.
1/14/2012 c1 1NeonTime
That was very cute and aside from a few mistakes well written.
12/12/2011 c1 flunkybubbleshorts
Aww! That was so fun!
11/25/2011 c1 46SwimmingThroughExistance
love it!
11/20/2011 c1 padfootprongsmoony
Great One Shot - it was really good :D all i can say is that the maths teacher is one cool person :)
10/8/2011 c1 1Laurel Valentine
aww so cute!
7/10/2011 c1 3SweetSarah2
AWWWW! Cute! :D
6/28/2011 c1 1444musicfreak44
Sooo cute and amazing :D
6/5/2011 c1 Kalilah
I LOVE this story xD I've read it so many times but every single time it has my smiling like an idiot.
3/31/2011 c1 2Fadetonoir
That was really sweet. Nate sounds like a guy I'd love to know. :)
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