Just In
for Haiku 3

1/2/2011 c20 5Alix Cohen
Happy new year, Al!

Glad to see you're still writing.

And if you miss snow

Come to my hometown,

or Pittsburgh, where my school is-

there's plenty out here.

Meh. I just got back

from a wonderful week in

sunny Cancun, and

it's difficult to

get used to cold weather

now, but I have to.
12/4/2010 c16 167nickyO
these poems bring the reader into the moment, good, solid work.
12/4/2010 c17 nickyO
lol, for the first one in this set.
12/3/2010 c17 lymli
I like the last verse, made ma laugh.
12/3/2010 c17 5Alix Cohen
Interesting use

of the word "noisome." Did you

know it means "smelly"?
12/3/2010 c16 Alix Cohen
I can see the lights

like that from the Cathedral

It is beautiful.

Been thinking of home

a lot now that it's two weeks

until I go there...
11/25/2010 c15 Alix Cohen
Watch your syllables-

your very first line has six

or did you mean that? :)

I've started to wash

dishes since I started school

Not my fav'rite chore.

Organizing is

more fun, but you're right, it does

take a lot of time.
11/22/2010 c14 Alix Cohen
Again with the syll-

ables! "Glaciers" is three

when I read aloud.

But still beautiful...

I love watching stars at home

I knew their names, once.

And ev'ry cloud does

have a silver lining, if

it's only the moon. :)
11/22/2010 c13 Alix Cohen
Ah! Daffodils and

vi'lets remind me of home-

and bright red tulips

We always have flowers...

now I come to school, wjere the

only color's leaves

and the coat of arms

is flowers on Cathedral lawn

but I miss gardens.
11/19/2010 c10 Alix Cohen
Where is this place that

you remember from childhood?

Ah, to be so young

and to have your life

unfolding before you; when

I was little, I

knew exactly what

I wanted to do and be.

Everything made sense.
11/19/2010 c1 14moonsliver86
Really liked the 3rd Haiku from this set. In particular, the comparison of the dead tree to the bareness of winter appealed to me.
11/16/2010 c9 5Alix Cohen
An odd turn of thought

for you, Al; it's not like you

to focus on death.

It ain't so dry here;

I got out my boots today,

and my umbrella.

I don't feel like post-

ing haiku right now...it hap-

pens to diaries.
11/13/2010 c8 Alix Cohen
Life so small, and yet

it can see the larger world

and encompass it

in thought-we still sail

by stars that may be long dead

What we see, is real

to us; the stars are

not themselves, but also re-

flect society.
11/7/2010 c7 Alix Cohen
Crazy little bug

who knows what a moth's thinking?

Certainly not I

What were you reading?

It must have been awesome, to

keep you up till five.
11/6/2010 c6 Alix Cohen
It sounds beautiful!

I can't see the sunset, ex-

cept from Cathedral.

Can you post pictures?

I miss those colors; all I

see are autumn leaves.
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