Just In
for Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You

8/16/2014 c1 BlackHare9
Thats so original and cute, I mean teddy costumes !
8/15/2014 c1 DragonOwl
I love this so much! I really liked the way you did the reveal as well - those girls must have been as suprised as she was!
3/2/2014 c1 Guest
Ur amazing
12/6/2013 c1 1APassionForReadingAndWriting
Cute story! :D I love it :)
12/9/2012 c1 2moonrice
lovely story! it would be great for you to continue this :)
11/13/2012 c1 1Giulietta Tolomei
Aw! That was perfect! It wasn't cheesy at all! LOVE IT!
9/15/2012 c1 heal me forever
dis us uber sweet i wanna bear hug dem ;)
6/3/2012 c1 Krissa16
Cute! Fluffy but definitely not too cheesy :) looking forward to more of your oneshots!
12/7/2011 c1 46SwimmingThroughExistance
aww:) this was cute:) and really really well-written
5/1/2011 c1 2renegade01
You gotta love a hot guy emerging from a costume. ;) Cute oneshot.
2/13/2011 c1 1funnechick
Very nice. I enjoyed this.
1/20/2011 c1 ColourCascade
Nice :) That's so cute heehee
1/14/2011 c1 SnoQueen
Really cute and sweet story. You should write more like these. (:

1/13/2011 c1 2HoPELeSS.RoMaNTiiC
You may have been a self professed horrible writer when you were younger but may I just say how good your stories are now.!. They are fabulous.!. Good job
1/6/2011 c1 13youngin-matomon
like like like! i wish there was a like button for this xD


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