Just In
for Not A Stranger After All

11/26/2010 c1 13Aaerie
oh my gosh continue :O
11/22/2010 c1 darkgurl92
you should continue..

wonder what they'll do next..haha.

update soon..
11/22/2010 c1 7Isforwinners
Hahah, awkward. I'd love see a continuation of this.
11/21/2010 c1 sdwinfreak
I'm thinking a big HELL YEAH on the question of continuing. Great start... love the surprise. = )
11/21/2010 c1 4soniabonia786
funny story, i like it : D

it'd be awesome if there was another chapter to this with them actually doing it, nonvirtual hehe

loved the story
11/20/2010 c1 6mindreader311
ha ha ha ha you should so continue this! Its so funny and sexy! CONTINUE PLEASE!
11/18/2010 c1 1WhiteTigerXOXO
omg, u MUST continue! please :) it sounds lik it'd deff b a start to a great story! nd u seem like a great writer! go for it!
11/16/2010 c1 3Green Amethyst

I've always wanted to write a story like this (brother x sister) but never had the nerve...this is a great start, I can't wait to see what happens!

I would think you'd wait a bit longer to reveal who each other is, like maybe after a few chapters? But it's still great and I'm definitely waiting for the next chapter :)

-Amethyst G
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