Just In
for What I Did Last Night

1/30/2012 c1 29InvisibleAngel752
I found your messages in this...atleast, I found 3 of them...Here, ill prove it to you...

(In bold font) "last night i carved die into my right leg with my blade"

(in capital font) "Gods not real for me if he was hes dead"

(in slanted i couldnt make sense of it...)

(in underlined font) "fuck worthless and pitiful"

I hope your okay that im revieWing this poEtry with the secrete messages...I found it so cool how your smArt enought to make this poem that way. I bet haLf of your veiwers wouLdnt take the time to figure it out...I knew there was Somethign off about this poetry when I first read it...so i decided to pull it apart...its taken me two hours to figure it all out. I catgorized everything...every single letter...im really impressed by this. Number one, caUse the messages. Number two, its written so so well. Number three, its my Favorite peice youve posted...i hope you read this review, its okay if you dont. i just want to say that i love your work, that im a huge Fan. ( no matter how dorky that may sound) And that im so sorry about how Everythings turned out with your life...i told some of my friends to check out your work, my best fRiend said that iT sucked, and that you were freaky...i dont think sHE meant it..cause she was having a really bad day. i told her that you were the greatest writer ever, and that how youve been through so much its amazing at how well this is written...She may be reading your stuff over again, just to see if her Prespective wAs wrong the first tIme. i know this is a crazy loNg review, and im really sorry about that, but i just have sO much to ask you. So much to tell, to compliment you about...Its crazy again,First off, i love your work. And, no matter what anybody says, your wonderful. Your not a waste or anything, your the most amazing person i have ever reaD about. And maybye, if you do read this reviEw, youll understand what ive picked up from you...i hope you do figure it out...Im not sure why, but i think its just cAuse...well, i wanT you to know that the world is pretty jacked up. But, tHeres always somebody out there who cares...im officialy, for you, one of those people. i care.
9/12/2011 c4 3Choseporfante
I wasn't planning to tell you that it'll get better... =x

Many times it emcan't/em get better, most likely becoming worse. Life just sucks that way.

What you go through and i go through are different, and i might be able to relate to you to some degree, but in no way here am i trying to say i know how you feel, because i don't.
9/11/2011 c2 Choseporfante
"shards of glass equals shards of pain equals nothing

and that's when i remember

that i'm not human anymore" was my favorite part in the entire piece. It caught my attention.
9/11/2011 c1 Choseporfante
The mixture of bold, italics, uppercase and lowercase letters really emphasized this horrid "game".
12/23/2010 c4 16saamf 44
This review will be solely for writing purposes (whether it helps or not)

I love the choppiness (and the bold/underline/italics still remind me of broken letters). It really does suit the letters though.

You matched everything! My favorite lines are

"but i don't want to

corruPt the baby girl

and i've got to keep up

the perfect little girl

image so dangerously upheld"

So relatable.
12/20/2010 c1 145young and the reckless
personally, i like the choppiness.

apathetically, it was haunting trying to figure out the bolded words. i was saying it so slowly, and when i reached the end, it almost gave me chills.

empathetically, i'm sad that this is what you did last night.

but i'm glad that you're writing about it.

hopefully the writing helps take away the desire to hurt yourself.
12/20/2010 c4 47this requires thought
I wish it were possible for me to tell you that it gets better without having to lie.
12/20/2010 c4 71Subbie
Yes Im glad to hear that :) Maybe itll help... and it is such an addiction. i understand perffectly, and my favorite lines are... :

red is to paint

as brush is to blade

as skin is to canvas

That's pretty amazing :)

And below is my interpretation of the code :) I was wondering if I could have your permission to do a poem in the same way...



who else wou[ld] call to ask if im ok[a]y and really care


turns out i [d]ont gotta call for [h]elp


she promised to help me and rushe[d] enough to tell abo[ut] the cutting

italics[hardest one...]:

three lines and fals[e] t[o]night and the lines and ooh emo o to da {?}
12/19/2010 c3 Subbie
Wow this is amazing, really shows you feelings and stuff. I love reading the style you have, it's great... tried to figure out the words but I only got this...

italics: im [perfct [t]heatr braerwenttwnun] forgiven fat [] (?)


no matter what i do say or try i know i will nevr be good enough for anyone [e]lse as long as i wal this planet we call home


mobye (Maybe... )
12/16/2010 c2 16saamf 44
Aw shucks.

The detail is very vivid, and even though the letters make different codes, I feel like you made them into "broken words."

I love the last line (even though it's not true), but it makes you feel like you have two lives and one of them is just in your mind.
12/14/2010 c2 34the sun softly smiles
these are very powerful. the phrase "cacophony of blood in my veins" is beautiful in the midst of the chaos.

and this really reminds me of how I felt when I used to cut, like it was inevitable and there was nothing else to be done. and even after four years without cutting, I can still just.. *get* this like it was yesterday.

I know I'm a stranger and I don't want to come off as presumptuous or meddling or anything, but I must say this: things will get better :)

- Leila

PS - took the time to see if there was meaning to the italics, underlining, etc from the second piece. (and the the first.)


this is what I got:

italics: fag is engraved in my right thigh.

bold: not brave if you still keep the letters.

capital: not sane you don't want to get better.

for some reason, the underlined letters didn't make any sense. (or maybe I'm just dumb.)

1st -

bold: last night I carved die into my right leg.

italics: save my from myself I'm drowning in my own self-hate.

underline: f- worthless and pitiful

capital (couldn't quite get this one): God is not real [I F O R M E W F A S] He was I'd be happy. (if He was?)

the sheer amount of time and effort this must have took makes it pretty much amazing.
12/14/2010 c2 71Subbie
Oh damn. Ooh, oh damn. I really really miss it. I really really want to go back to it... I can't stay away for very much longer, I swear...
12/4/2010 c1 lymli
that's scary, reminded me of saw movie ♥ you're right, life's a game
12/1/2010 c1 32imissyoudearly
It's a code guys. :P (I only knew that once she told me XD)

But I solved it after 'while.

Megan: I'm sorry.

I love you.
11/30/2010 c1 1StoryMonster
It'd good!

Very emotional.

One question, though.

Why is it written like that?

Your poem is almost like a story, in a unique kinda way.

Speaking of stories, R&R mine, okay?

Keep writing!
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