Just In
for Don't Know What Ya Got

2/20/2019 c6 Whattttt
Is this the end i hope its not its so cool i hope you can update more chapters
12/1/2018 c6 Guest
hello? somebody? anybody? more please!
9/18/2018 c6 Guest
i like your story and come back regularly. but still no update. please consider updating.
6/22/2018 c6 SistyMisty
Please update this. I am begging you!
4/15/2018 c6 ssa
I still like coming back and rereading this, even if it's never updated or will never be finished.
10/17/2017 c6 Guest
I just read your story for the x time. please consider updating. it's such a good story and i realy would like to hear more...please
7/28/2017 c6 Hyaci
Thank you for updating this. I really, really love this. Well worth the wait, imo!
7/28/2017 c6 Forbiddentaboo
Pleasssseee dont leave us there!
3/17/2017 c6 L.Nik9
OMG, I just saw the last chapter. Best present eveeeeeeer! Thank you, thank you! And not to be pushy buuut another one... pls... (totally not begging on my knees... OK maybe I do...)
2/11/2017 c6 Guest
Please update. Need more of this story.
1/17/2017 c6 Guest
this is so mean. please update soon.
12/10/2016 c6 Guest
2 - 3 chapters as a christmas present? ...2...1? please?
12/1/2016 c6 Guest
you do realise that I read the update about a hundred times and look daily for the next chapter. the cliffhanger is just to much. please don't tease us to long.
11/19/2016 c6 Sara
OMG! I keep thinking that you give up on this story when it goes months without an update. I saw the Nov. update stamp and I thought it had literally been a year since you last touched this. Glad I checked for the new chapter anyway though just to be sure! anyway, this is turning out amazingly and I'm super excited about the plot points moving forward. I hope you're able to update soon!
11/14/2016 c6 Guest
yes, perfect! Give us more. I just love Christopher. let Bastian sufer a bit.
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