Just In
for I Hate Love Stories

12/20/2010 c14 YOUNG-the wild. free. in love
I LOVE this story! After reading all 14 chapters i have a feeling that Evan really likes Char. And I wonder what will happen between Char, Evan...and Dean! If Evan really does like Char, i feel bad for him because Char is always mean to him. But yet again, it's so hilarious. and i can't wait to read about Evan and Dean some more. :D
12/20/2010 c14 Lazy
I like it!
12/20/2010 c14 10Sorraya T
The dialogue flowed wonderfully this time around, and it was very clear :) This chapter was fantastic, I cannot wait to see more about Dean and Evan! Update soon :)
12/20/2010 c14 Anya the Lascivious
That. Was. Adorable.

I have nothing else to say besides that, and Cut the Curtains is an awesome story too here on fictionpress because it has tons of emo guys in it. It is shallow, but I have a thing for Goth and emo guys. Meheh even imaginary fictional ones.

Update a.s.a.p!
12/20/2010 c13 BabyGirlAlex
Yay!More new characters,I loved this chapter!

Dean sounds nice,and so does Jessica but I really hope you develop their characters further.The conversation between Charlotte and Dean was hilarious,I'm glad she made new friends.I loved that you included how Charlotte's hate for Evan started.I really can't wait to see how Evan reacts to Dean.Update:]
12/20/2010 c12 BabyGirlAlex
Aw,I'm pretty sure that Evan has a crush on Char:]

Great chap,so glad than you added a new character.Can't wait to see what happens between Jonathan and her mom!
12/20/2010 c6 1Slytherbirdie
12/20/2010 c3 Slytherbirdie
Psshht! I'm sorry, but that was funny!
12/20/2010 c2 Slytherbirdie
This is very good! Seriously, I wish I could write this well! Please keep it up!
12/19/2010 c13 dreamingBIG
Hey. I really like this chapter. YAY! New character but I miss Evan! LOL. and I can't wait to see what happens with Dean and Charlotte and Evan? I feel like a LOVE triangle is building... Please, please, please update soon! Oh and can't wait read about Stacey and Sean too!
12/19/2010 c13 2miaaa
Really good!

Update soon! :)
12/19/2010 c13 5TMSantos
Ahahaha LOL, she made new friends!

I'm so jealous because at least she has neighbors who are her age. I don't! And I am so bored right now, I'd kill for a new neighbor my age!

Ah, BTW, this is a good chapter. I know nothing about those accents 'cause I'm not from USA! :|
12/19/2010 c13 Anya the Lascivious
Woah, new characters! Ok.

Dean seems straight forward. Like... he just says what he wants. And he is polite, I suppose, but maybe that is because he is new. His sister is a great addition to the story though, just as straight forward but kind. I am not very fond of how her brother labels her as super nice, though. That is tipping the scale a bit because I wanted Char to judge the girl for herself.

Haha, Stacey and Sean. Huh, I can live with that. What about Sean's mom? Doesn't she have a problem that Sean is spending so much time at his Aunt's house? Meh.

I bet dinner will be adorable, and I know you will not disappoint! Update a.s.a.p!
12/19/2010 c13 10Sorraya T
Beautiful chapter, very clear. I would suggest perhaps more colloquial dialogue, like instead of "I will see you around." "I'll see you 'round."

It flows a little better.
12/19/2010 c12 Anya the Lascivious
Great chapter, I think Jonathan seems a bit vague though. Maybe Char could eavesdrop on him and her mom having a conversation 'tomorrow at dinner'?

Evan seems kinda creepy now. Like... annoying creepy. Meh. And where was Sean? Her mom said he would be outside! Oh mysterious. I like the chapter lengths. Now since there are more dialogs than thoughts, you just need to enter a space to make it seem longer, haha.

Well, update a.s.a.p! And yea, I do believe I reviewed Chapter 11. Can not wait for the next chapter of 'You've Shaken My Existence'. And I really do not know where I want my story to go. I just had muse one night, wrote it down for a one-shot, but decided to make it a story. I don't know anymore. Thinking about making the next chapter Nathan's P.O.V.
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