Just In
for What Could Be

9/11/2011 c3 3Choseporfante
Ah. I get it better now with this chapter as clarification. Enjoyed it lots.
9/11/2011 c2 Choseporfante
The second chapter kind of confused me at the end, after she entered the bathroom. =(
9/11/2011 c1 Choseporfante
Gah... I like it a lot, but gah... Not gah in a bad bad way, but in a good bad way. And that obviously makes so much sense...
12/22/2010 c3 23Lithium of Mercy
What an interesting concept! You have a very good narrative style, easy to read and somehow easy to relate to. Your sense of tragedy is very poetic and easily relateable. Each scenario is interesting and each one COULD happen, but only the third one does, and somehow this is even worse than if she had succumbed to the first scenario. Good work!
12/12/2010 c3 16saamf 44
It was only last year when I realized that being perfect was boring.

The third line really scared me, but the fourth had a sad crystal feel to it. It was kind of pretty.

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