Just In
for Y I Hate Vampires

8/22/2013 c3 The Moving Christmas Tree
I know it's been two years since you've updated, but I hope you'll finish this story one day. I've read your other three stories, and I loved them.
8/8/2013 c3 anon
Heys, can't wait for you to update this story. Please don't give up on it, I love the interaction between the characters and Jessica is just a great character! I've been rereading your other stories in the meantime :)
7/21/2013 c3 iluvmycorgi22
I really like this and hope you update soon!
7/20/2013 c3 madz
looks good, finishing it?
6/18/2013 c1 11KT-ImmortalIncarnate
Sometimes, when I'm reading this story and I see a different spelling, I open my british dictionary and remind myself that being American does not mean that I know how to spell.

I think Calc made the alfredo. I also think he's messing with Jess, because it's obvious he's interested in her. It's always the little things. XD
6/13/2013 c3 19jekodama
Soooooo... any news about an update? *_*
6/4/2013 c3 1What a Reader
Goodness, I quite enjoy this story. I would suggest that you update it, but since you have not in the past two years, I assume this story is "dead". Thus, I will simply have to get my fix elsewhere. Your stories are quite entertaining, though.
6/3/2013 c3 Guest
so great! hope you continue the story!
5/23/2013 c3 prita
R U EVR GOING TO UPDATE THIS?! its soooo good i love jessica and calc!
5/19/2013 c1 heal me forever
u need to update dis... *sigh* its been 2 yrs hope u continue it ? :(
4/1/2013 c3 Toffeema
Write more! Please! If you sis had an account, I would ask her to bully you!
3/21/2013 c3 23rd Bookworm
You should Definatily continue this it's awesome.
3/4/2013 c3 guest
Oh no, you can't just abandon your story on a cliffhanger! I'm dyingggggg, this is so good. please come back to us!
3/2/2013 c3 mk
kyaaaaaa I can't wait to see what's going to happen next! I love these two! they are so sweet!
2/25/2013 c1 Guest
Wow! I've read all your stories and I think this one might be my favorite! I did really like Callum and Marla though. It was nice to see them again here. Hope you update soon!
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