Just In
for Catch Me

4/13/2011 c7 1The Lost and The Found
4/9/2011 c6 2shanaenae123
update soon!
4/8/2011 c1 3Hannah D
Seriously, this is pretty amazing :) I've already gotten hooked on it. Ive read the whole thing and I'm already craving for more :) awesome job, though I'm still not 100% on what her medication condition is, but I want to read more and find out what's up with Helen, Juliana and Leo ;P, and the condtion :)
1/7/2011 c3 jmr79au
'sigh'. Leonardo (whispered) seems like he will be able to handle her and her condition. I thinks this is what Helen had planned from the beginning, maybe?
1/5/2011 c2 2shanaenae123
:D awesome :3
1/4/2011 c2 jmr79au
I'm glad that Juliana has Helen to look out for her. Stephanie seems like a read b*h.
1/4/2011 c2 yellowjellybean14
it has been far too long since the first chapter was posted, i am hoping you will update more often because this story sounds and is shaping up to be amazing. please post soon.
12/15/2010 c1 jmr79au
It sounds like this could be an interesting story. She has certainly got a lot of baggage to work through.

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