Just In
for Calming Seas

2/5/2012 c1 Ellie
Please! Put te first story back up!
8/21/2011 c8 MCM315
I'm so glad you're working on this again. It's been a stressful few days, so I needed something to get my mind off of things. :)

I love Eli and Sunny. I can't help but think that something is going to happen to Eli, though, perhaps out on the boat. And what's Sunny's brother up to? It's very mysterious, his moving around so much. Something is definitely up there.

Um, not much more to say. I like Brenly, but have a feeling her ex will cause problems later. He's the one texting her, right? You have a lot going on in this, and I can't wait to see where you take all the stories.

Keep up the great work!
8/19/2011 c8 zoba20
aww i feel so sad for brenly, i hope she and noah gets together.

poor sunny, sad without eli :(

thanx for updating
7/27/2011 c3 caughtinasimplegame
Very glad to see you reposted this one!
7/26/2011 c3 3MaAgEc
YAY! You're back :)
7/25/2011 c2 castiel89
Thank you Deadliest Catch! I was watching it too and it made me think of this story and so wishing you had continued it.

You can imagine my joy when I got the email :). Crazy happy dance indeed.
3/9/2011 c2 peppermintstorm
After a long hiatus from reading I come back to find that you hv been plagiarised. I'm so disappointed. Sigh good luck with finding a new home. Have you tried authonomy?
3/4/2011 c2 1AlexisLovesYou
3/4/2011 c2 yunique
I am so angry to hear this! Plagiarism has destroyed this community of great writers :(

I really do hope you continue to write. I love your writing :)
3/3/2011 c2 azntechi
I am so sorry about all the plagiarism! I really hate that people are so lazy and can't even write their own stories anymore and instead steal other peoples' hard work. I hope that you continue to writing your stories though because I absolutely love them!
3/3/2011 c2 Midnight113
I'm sorry to hear your work was stolen, I just recently had to deal with my own plagiarism issue and I know how it feels so it's good that you removed your stories. I think the most important thing when that happens is to protect your work, especially if it's exposed on the internet for people to copy/paste. Hopefully someday soon fictionpress will do something more to help keep people's work from being stolen from the site but until then I hope you find a solution that best suits you.
3/3/2011 c2 whitehibiscus
no :( what's wrong with these plagiarizers ? I'm sorry, really do. I hope things get better soon. I'll come along wherever you go. Your stories are my favorite !
3/3/2011 c2 5thefaultinourpatronus
God, that sucks. I'm really sorry!
3/2/2011 c2 SoulSam
that really sucks, those damn plagiarizers! they seriously ruin it for the rest of us don't they? i'm really sorry that happened to you again. i can't believe there's still these awful people out there that plagiarize especially after they've seen how it effects the authors, driving them away from FP and not wanting to post their work online anymore.
3/2/2011 c2 sacrificed heart
you could always move them to wattpad if you had to?

its a safe place because you cant highlight/copy.
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