2/27/2015 c1 bellababystar13
Ideas for The Vow:
-You can have Adele find disturbing information about the night she can't remember
-Caiden tells Adele about exactly what happened with his mom, Adele confronts Clark, and Clark gets mad
-Something happens to Adele's mom, or to Daniel (note: can be good or bad!)
Ideas for The Vow:
-You can have Adele find disturbing information about the night she can't remember
-Caiden tells Adele about exactly what happened with his mom, Adele confronts Clark, and Clark gets mad
-Something happens to Adele's mom, or to Daniel (note: can be good or bad!)
10/18/2011 c1 popsicle-stick26
I know this was written a while ago but I just thought I'd let you know I loved it :) fluffy oneshots are the best! Haha
I know this was written a while ago but I just thought I'd let you know I loved it :) fluffy oneshots are the best! Haha
1/9/2011 c1 natmarie
Nothing like a good fluffy one-shot to break up writer's block. Love it. Adorable and perfect. :) More Finely and Derrick? Please? Ice cream with a hot enforcer of the law on top? ;)
Nothing like a good fluffy one-shot to break up writer's block. Love it. Adorable and perfect. :) More Finely and Derrick? Please? Ice cream with a hot enforcer of the law on top? ;)
1/2/2011 c1 Steph
This is absolutely delicious! I actually clapped at the end :)
This is absolutely delicious! I actually clapped at the end :)
12/28/2010 c1
I like fluff monsters :) they're a nice break every so often. But I loved this, it was super cute and it had great descriptions and it was just so cute :D
Again, you always choose the best names, Finley and Derrick

I like fluff monsters :) they're a nice break every so often. But I loved this, it was super cute and it had great descriptions and it was just so cute :D
Again, you always choose the best names, Finley and Derrick
12/28/2010 c1
that was so cute! i actually squealed at the end, no kidding ;). you know, i don't really have a thing for men in uniform like some girls do, but i won't mind having someone like derrick for myself :D.
short stories like this one restore my love in one-shots :).
so yeah, i guess i don't need to say it again, but i really, really liked it :)

that was so cute! i actually squealed at the end, no kidding ;). you know, i don't really have a thing for men in uniform like some girls do, but i won't mind having someone like derrick for myself :D.
short stories like this one restore my love in one-shots :).
so yeah, i guess i don't need to say it again, but i really, really liked it :)
12/28/2010 c1 Entice
derek's hot. period.
derek's hot. period.
12/27/2010 c1
hot enforcer of the law...yep we'd all love one of those to be around to get us out of a parking ticket. fluffy and cute makes this enjoyable to read. ;)
i had an image of derrick placing the fine on finley's butt... i cracked myself up on that one. true story. excuse my illegal thoughts. ;)

hot enforcer of the law...yep we'd all love one of those to be around to get us out of a parking ticket. fluffy and cute makes this enjoyable to read. ;)
i had an image of derrick placing the fine on finley's butt... i cracked myself up on that one. true story. excuse my illegal thoughts. ;)
12/26/2010 c1 lepster
I was AMAZING! i loved it. the characters were super cool. i always loved the way you can express things through... first person i think... idk but it always pulls me in and wraps me up in the story. your doing great work :)
I was AMAZING! i loved it. the characters were super cool. i always loved the way you can express things through... first person i think... idk but it always pulls me in and wraps me up in the story. your doing great work :)