Just In
for Merboy

2/26/2012 c27 silverspigot
Oh noes! I hope she doesn't get eaten by eels or something. Cause that would suck. Seriously. Alvin is just as...interesting as ever, and the promise Tanner made with Reggie was quite cute. I'm looking forward to how Kerr gets her eel's tail :)
2/26/2012 c27 1VikinGurl123
YAY I like it

Update soon
2/26/2012 c27 1sailorsweetart
Oh noes! I hope she doesnt die, and you know, nevcer live to see the light of day again... Not helping much, am I? Is it bad I like Ian?
2/26/2012 c27 Lorelei Ravencroft loggedout
Update soon =)
2/26/2012 c27 4Flame Darkmoon
This is a really cool chapter.
2/24/2012 c26 reika
this story is so unique, i adore it! Update soon :)
2/24/2012 c26 sugercookie
i am absolutely in love with this story and i'm so happy you updated, keep up the fantastic work!
2/24/2012 c26 msimsoflyjames
Tanner is a beast :)
2/24/2012 c26 starcatcher
awwwwwwsome!Kerrie and ian are hilariouse together :D update soon!
2/23/2012 c26 7KaylahDemi
Ally hahaha hilarious!
2/22/2012 c26 4Flame Darkmoon
This story's plot is better than most Mermaid/Merman/Merboy/Mergirl books out there that I have read.
2/20/2012 c26 1tea and roses
Tanner gets on my nerves sometimes. -_- Kerrie is kind of annoying because she kept kept denying herself. XD I'm not bashing your story, by the way. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't be reviewing. (: So basically, I like how the story's going so far.. :D I'll look forward to the next chapter!
2/20/2012 c26 Flaere
This story is amazing! I cannot wait for the next chapter, please update soon! :)
2/19/2012 c26 StripedSocksPrincess
Yay! An update! I love the chapter! And I found Tanner trying to be tough quite amusing! haha! Its cool! I also find it awesome that you remember my first review! I don't even remember it! lol! Anyways update soon! I can't wait to read more!
2/19/2012 c26 Kirstie
Fantastic story! I just read it all in one go and can't wait to see what happens next! I hope you still feel inspired and can finish it soon because I really am not the most patient person and want to read it all now lol.
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