Just In
for Merboy

1/18/2013 c1 J.L. Horowitz
I really liked your prologue! It had dial
1/14/2013 c31 2Beautifully Corrupted
I am grinning...like a moron right now you have no idea.
1/13/2013 c24 Evolutions Vampire
Oh well I was wrong it was Erin that I should have been suspicious of and not Alvin
1/13/2013 c13 Evolutions Vampire
I find it suspicious that Alvin showed up that qiuck. He is creepy. And he just happened to move back when Tanner showed up.
1/13/2013 c32 3The Beauty of Lies
I loved this story... No, this book, because this doesn't read like so many other popular stories on fp, with choppy sentences and characters that, despite being thrown in such odd circumstances, never manage to change. Kerr had my heart with her humor, while her easy relationship with Matt and in the end, Alvin, made me glad that this story supported realistic group dynamics. Laney was comical, shy, fierce and so unusual, i wonder how her sister is going to turn out now that she's in college... Though i think ill wait a while to read the sequel. [its like when you watch the season ending of a show, sometimes you have to let the plot simmer in your brain a bit... Sorry, am i making sense?] I know it seems weird to review a completed story and truth be told, i rarely do but... What can i say? I am a true fan of your work... And idk how to put it, but your youth, i guess xD your spirit... Really shines here. Its such a long review! Ill shuttup now :3
1/12/2013 c5 2The Last Epic
I am more then tempted to replace all instances of Tanner with Aqua man.
1/12/2013 c3 The Last Epic
I like this story but every time I try to envision it all I get is Aquaman, over and over and over again.
1/12/2013 c2 The Last Epic
1/12/2013 c1 The Last Epic
Silly Girls, that wasn't a Merboy! That was AQUAMAN.
1/10/2013 c1 8TheRaven'sFeather
This is a good story, but I have to admit that I don't like the proposal.
I don't think that Laney should have interrupted such an intimate moment, even if she really wanted them to get married.
I feel like, because her friends intruded on the moment and pressured her, that accepting the proposal wasn't fully her own decision.
1/9/2013 c32 1Sarriel Nightthorn
Oh god I love this! I have to read the sequel now.
1/1/2013 c32 1Saragorath
I just found this story a few days ago, but I immediately love it. Which is saying something, because I generally don't like love stories. Anywho! This was a wonderful story and I cannot wait to read more. Keep up the good work ).
12/30/2012 c32 chibi-Clar
I was so sad when he died but I lied it when he was resurrected!
I love ur story!
But I would liked if they had kids...
But overall I loved it!
Ur a great writer!
Ur plot awesome!
Can't wait I read other stories!
12/30/2012 c31 2MuffinsRoxSox
Wait, I don't get it. Why didn't Tanner age?

Tanner and Kerrie are awesome together.

I am going to miss this story. Can't wait for the sequel!
12/30/2012 c31 19bookppl93
Awwww I love a happy ending :)
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