Just In
for Happily Ever After Almost Rewrite

4/18/2011 c7 2reliving the future
Thanks so much for helping me with the story, I still need to research something for it before I send it to you for editing. Anyway I liked how she stood up to Riordan, I mean c'mon he really thinks she believes that the woman came on to him? Pssh.

Oh and his name is Rodger right? Or was it Roger?
4/18/2011 c7 darkgurl92
a rewrite..can't wait.though the oringial was good already, but cant wait to reread all over again.update soon
4/18/2011 c7 Lyssa50
Aw no song, I loved them. Wait drunk sex with a minor I thought she was 19? Riordan gah he's such a douche. She came onto him such bull jeez, she better not fall for that. I'd rather she date Graham than Riordan although they seem similar which isn't too good. Oh and I like the new summary, it makes it all mysterious and stuff. Update soon.
4/18/2011 c7 AbbeyXD
really like the story up till now so UPDATE soon! :D
4/18/2011 c7 2Soonafter100
I like it and hope you can post soon!
4/11/2011 c6 Lover I Don't Have To Love
So she slept with Graham? I guess I'm not surprised since someone had to get her pregnant, oh jeez she's pregnant isn't she? From a one night stand, how cliche. I'm surprised no one's reviewing it's a good story, I like it way more than the original.

Heard you have a new story, so I'll go check that out soon. Update soon.
4/11/2011 c6 madness is contagious
Sorry I haven't been reviewing but it's been hectic. I'm glad you're still updating though and I'll try to review regularly from now on.

Anyway I like this chapter although it seems familiar. Update soon.
4/5/2011 c6 2reliving the future
Interesting chapter I was expecting a little more from the sex scenes but maybe that'll come? And no authors note? I'm not sure if I'm proud of you or not :P.

Oh and I discontinued the story like we talked about, so don't forget to remove it from your profile or discontinue it, whatever.
4/5/2011 c6 Lyssa50
Well it was similar to the morning after from the original, but something about this chapter made me love it. And the groupie line is still awesome.

I love how she's blushing over their night together. Must have been some great sex. I wonder if Graham will remember it? But please don't let her fall in love with him, because he's good in bed, that would totally ruin my vision of Addie. And make Graham lay off the drugs and alcohol or he'll ruin everything. Again.
4/4/2011 c6 17Lady of romance world88
Hi. It is so beautiful chapter and I love it. :) I really love it how you put the title and song match each chapters in this story. It is awesome. :D OMG Declan and Ragan broke up. I am wonder why? *curiously* OMG Graham is interesting in Ragan and start to date her. OMG Ragan cheat on Graham with Declan. Poor Graham. :( Ragan will be the slut and cheater. Thats very bad that she went to Declan and lead the friendship destroy between Graham and Declan. What b* Ragan is. Poor Declan and Graham. :( Is Ragan the blonde woman the one who kiss Riordan where Adelaide witness the scene? *curiously* OMG Graham became alcohol addict and start to hook up with other blonde girls. Why do he do that to himself? *curiously* Drugs and alcohols won't solve the problems that Graham, Frankie and Oliver have. :( What type of drugs that Frankie and Oliver used? *curiously* How long does Adelaide and Declan were best friends for? *curiously* Is Callum the brother or just friend of Adelaide? *curiously* OMG Adelaide slept with Graham. Poor Adelaide. :( I am glad that Adelaide ran out of Graham's room and went home with Declan. Yay. :D OMG Adelaide kept think about Graham's kisses and touches. Thats so hot. :D Let me guess, Adelaide fall in love with Graham after that?*curiously* I am wonder what does Callum wants to discuss with Adelaide about? *curiously* Hurry update soon. Keep writing. :D I can't wait to read the next chapters of this story whenever you have time to update it. Don't stop writing. :D It is amazing chapter and I am enjoy read this story. I love it. Please update soon. :D I don't know how to say it but I just fall in love with this story again. I definitely will read this story until the end because I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH and I really want to know what happen next in this story. :D Please don't delete this story again. Otherwise it will broke my heart again. :( By the way, I just let you know that I'll update the new chapter in my story tomorrow or on thursday 7th of April. Sorry about that. Hope that you will stick with me until I finish write my story. *hopeful smile* Just take your time and don't rush anytìng too quickly. :)
3/28/2011 c5 Lyssa50
O is he gonna sex her up now? Cause I'd totally let mr. joker have me if she doesn't want him. No seriously Graham sounds like a hottie. Update soon please and thank you :)
3/28/2011 c4 Lyssa50
Loved it, but Riordan makes me so sad. Addie should break up with him, he'd be so mad.
3/28/2011 c3 Lyssa50
Sorry for not reviewing for awhile, but I'll do it now...

Ugh Ragan is such a little whore, can't believe she's up to her old tricks again. Oh and that costume totally fits her. On to the next chapter.
3/24/2011 c5 2Soonafter100
Man I love this!
3/23/2011 c5 mihaela
please, please update again soon
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