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for Happily Ever After Almost Rewrite

6/16/2011 c16 Lover I Don't Have To Love
So I take it you didn't get 13 reviews? That sucks, I want to know what's going to happen. Grr people. I think they should spend some time alone and just talk cause it seems like they're both hiding something and that's not good. Update soon.

P.S. what does their band sound like? Just curious.
6/15/2011 c16 vio923
Hey, you're right - couples do fight all the time. I just hope that they don't end up cheating on each other. That's quite different from just fighting. Once you lose trust in someone it is very difficult to get that back.
6/14/2011 c16 2reliving the future
There we go! That's the Graham we know and love, drunk and a tosser. So when is she going to find out she's pregnant and will things go down like last time?

I sent you chapter five and two, can you get them back to me asap? Thanks loser :P.

OH almost forgot, how dare you steal my name for a character. The nerve of some people :D, lol is she at least in another chapter?
6/14/2011 c16 5TheRiverRunsDeep
I wonder what he is hide, is she pregnant, ARE THEY GOING TO MAKE UP?
6/14/2011 c16 Lyrical88
Oh ok so their last name is Fitzpatrick but since Graham said his was Delaney she didn't notice. That makes sense. Anyhow I loved this chapter even if they're fighting. I hate when everything's perfect all the time like in some other stories, the fighting just makes it more realistic.

I didn't notice this before but she's tired and nauseous is she pregnant? And what is Graham hiding? I really hope it isn't another girl cause that would suck so bad, especially if she is pregnant.
6/14/2011 c16 Lyssa50
She's pregnant I'm convinced. I went back and read the last chapter after you said that and yes it does sound like he's hiding something from Addie. I just hope it's nothing too bad. *sigh* poor Addie.

Update on Thursday I need to know what's going to happen.
6/14/2011 c16 mihaela
please please update again soon, I realy whant to know what will happen next
6/14/2011 c16 Ellybeth
Im enjoying the dynamics of these two. I am really enjoying this story. But don't expect you to update more than once a week or when you have time. You have a life. Well thanks.
6/14/2011 c16 ebs12
poor Addie, I hope Graham comes clean soon
6/13/2011 c16 2smydkthx
I'm still really enjoying the story. I'm actually enjoying the fact that they're fighting because it makes them seem more real.

As for the updating, I'm sure everyone would prefer if you updated EVERY day, if they thought they could make you do so. I'm actually just really impressed with how you're managing to keep up with all your stories!

Anyway, great chapter, love. Can't wait for the next one!
6/13/2011 c16 Matiroxs
Badass story and please update on Thursday :D
6/10/2011 c15 17Lady of romance world88
Hi. It's so beautiful chapter and I love it. :) I tried to vote in your poll unfortunately there's something wrong with the poll so I just let you know that I vote for Oliver's story, Happily ever After Almost Rewrite Sequel and finish the story thats call, My Boyfriend's Best Friend. :) I am so glad that Adelaide and Graham are getting so close together plus spend time together. Yay! :D I am glad to hear that Graham and Sarah sort out together. Yay! :D I am hoping that Sarah like her new school. *hopeful smile* I am so glad that Graham's still keep touch with his mum more often. Yay! :D I am hoping that Graham'll tell Adelaide more about his past when he's ready. -hugs- I am wonder why Adelaide's so tired? *curiously* I am wonder how old is Tanner? *curiously* I am so glad that Graham show up at Adelaide's dorm to spend time with her more. Yay! :D I am wonder what kind of job that Jocelyn work at? *curiously* What kind of course that Jocelyn study at uni? *curiously* OMG Ryan quit the biology class so he can have a chance with Adelaide. I am wonder why Ryan's so angry when he heard that Adelaide have boyfriend? *curiously* I am wonder why Ryan kept asking Adelaide out many times? *curiously* I am so glad that Adelaide told the half the truth about Ryan to Graham. :) I am glad that Tanner save Adelaide's life by tell Ryan off. Yay! :D I am wonder what's going on between Graham and his mum on his mobile? *curiously* Is there something that Graham is hiding from Adelaide? *curiously* Hurry update soon. Keep writing. :D I can't wait to read the next chapters of this story whenever you have time to update it. Don't stop writing. :D It's amazing chapter and I am enjoy read this story. I love it. Please update soon. :) Just take your time and don't rush anything too soon. :)
6/9/2011 c15 2Soonafter100
I am in way to deep with this story, love it and I am seriously wanting more and more as the chapters go by!
6/9/2011 c15 mihaela
great chapter
6/8/2011 c15 Lyrical88
Lol yes I totally raided your story, but it was worth it. Jonny is oh wow, but how come Addie hasn't realized that yet? I'm guessing they don't look alike that's the only way she couldn't immediately recognize that. He died in an accident? Like a car accident?

Yay! I love the song for this chapter :D awesome choice I wonder what made you think of it? LMAO.
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