Just In
for The Embroidered Night

2/7/2013 c34 1Lorana
I liked this story a lot. I can't help but think the grey hairs Adrian got were all from Remy, since he seems young to have them.
8/18/2012 c18 10cherrypiesizzle
She didn't get mad about that girl or ask him why he slept with her! Omg. I didn't know Remy was such a pushover :(
1/31/2012 c34 7E.Nelson
I found out I was pregnant on Christmas. Reminds me of me and my boyfriend, besides hosting dinner and having royalty for family lol. I've got shoulder length hair too lol (:

I love this story. Amazing ending 3
9/7/2011 c34 mylittlePRINCESS
i fond this story and love it so much ,great and awesome!
9/3/2011 c34 3Anony225
I have loved reading this story :) I'm actually sad that it's come to an end!
7/31/2011 c33 3foreverthesickestchick
Wow. That's basically all I can say, wow. This story was absolutely amazing! This is exactly what I have been trying to achieve, for so so long! Your story, your writing, everything is amazing :) good job
7/15/2011 c34 9Spontaneous Juju
Awwwww! *Tear, sniffle* That was so BEAUTIFUL! It was just the perfect ending; they're still in love, happily settled into life, with a BABY on the way! You did a great job of wrapping up the stories of all the characters in a very satisfactory way, and I'm just so HAPPY for all of them, even if they are technically fictional! *Sigh* :D This was brilliant.

And can I just say: that A/N made me grin like an idiot. :D

-Spontaneous Juju
7/14/2011 c34 Elise Cromwell
What a wonderful ending to a wonderful story. :)
7/14/2011 c34 41chewychester
Ha, it's a girlie girl!
7/14/2011 c34 1TakeMyHandHoldItTight
Awww :)
7/14/2011 c34 41Purple Sky Juliet
-sniff- That was so sweet! They're just so impossibly perfect and adorable. And they'll definitely be awesome parents! I'm glad the ending is so happy. And I have to make the reference to Alec and Violet...William and Kate? Sounds familiar XD But I'm glad Alec found someone! He was a really good guy but just not for Remy. Anyway, really, really great story. Your characters are dynamic and interesting, you fully explore the plot and have good twists, you write beautifully, and your grammar is spot-on. I can't wait to see what you write next! =D
7/3/2011 c33 1TakeMyHandHoldItTight
I don't believe I reviewed any of the chapters for this story, so here's my review for the whole story.

I started reading this when there was already about 5 chapters. I read all of the existing chapters in one sitting and was hooked from the beginning. I have really enjoyed reading this, and I love your writing. You did a great job with the character development and you incorporated romance, conflict, and mystery in this story beautifully. I love your characters Remy, Adrian, and Alec especially and how you really brought life to them.
7/3/2011 c33 pbgurl
HAH! Evan's fifteen minutes of fame is up, as is Gemma's.

I'm so happy that Remy and Alec made up and are back to being friends again.

I was surprised by what the Queen said but glad that she talked to Remy.

I was hoping she and her father would have a talk like that though.

And of course I'm very happy that Remy and Adrian are getting to live their life together in a house on the beach. :)

Excited for the epilogue!

-Liz :D
7/3/2011 c33 Mikelle
I've read this story, and I think it's very well written, and has a great story line. Very few mistakes, and it was very enjoyable. But I did find one of my pet peeves in this chapter that I'd like to point out:

"He wanted to set things right with his brother and I, I think, and wanted the public to know that he approved of our relationship, and that he and I had only ever been very close friends"

It's the part where you write "with his brother and I," it's supposed to be "with me and his brother." You see, if you take out "his brother," it would write: "set things right with I," which is obviously incorrect, and you would use "me."

Other than that, like I said, this has been a great story. Thank you for sharing. :)
7/3/2011 c33 Guest
Awww! That was PERFECT. :D The story wrapped up brilliantly; I have to admit, in the beginning of the story, I was iffy on the idea of Remy abdicating the throne, since early on it would've seemed like she was just running away. But by the end we know she definitely has good reasons (not only her health, but also her happiness with Adrian!) to cede the crown. I'm also thrilled that the country is in love with Adrian and Remy as a couple and they don't feel sorry for Adrian, not to mention that Adrian has accepted Remy's apology AND the Queen is proud of her for being a little bit rebellious! (I KNEW the Queen wasn't so horrible! :D ) I'm also really excited that Isabella turned out to be so nice and helpful, especially with picking out their place in Normandy on the beach. :D

Overall, this story was awesome. The characters were realistic and interesting, the plot was intriguing and well executed, the writing was great, and the ending was brilliant. I'm so sad it's over... but I still can't wait for the epilogue! :D You did an amazing job with this story; congrats. :)

-Spontaneous Juju
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