Just In
for The Coquette and the Thane

8/29/2020 c5 NeonRayz
This story is seriously amazing! Can't wait to read the rest!
12/26/2018 c19 knownasociate
Great story! I just love the dialogue!
11/17/2018 c37 omgosh
amazing story steamy beautiful please let happy together they deserve so much please please please continue with the sequel im so excited
9/6/2017 c4 4R. Ficst
"a ribbon draped over a tree, or a paper swan perched on a boulder"

Such perfect imagery, and clever word use. I love your writing, and I love Baisyl's voice in your writing of his chapters.
9/6/2017 c3 R. Ficst
Back for a re-read and of course re-loving it :)

Love Rhyan's visit. It is so important that he let the bodyguard know that his first mission was to protect Baisyl's life, and that a disappearance would be forgiven if necessary, despite the preferred goal. Great brother!
1/5/2017 c37 ajashire1
So happy I found this.
I'm in love.

Great read.
9/22/2015 c5 5Ishotthealbatross
Haha nice chapter...love how Kedean is so stunned XD
9/22/2015 c2 Ishotthealbatross
aw poor Baisyl :(
6/20/2015 c37 Fionaalex
Great story! Thank you very much!
3/20/2015 c1 Moka-girl
I really like how this started. Well-written, too.
12/14/2014 c20 Hean
10/21/2014 c20 Guest
do you speak mandarin?
10/16/2014 c6 Guest
you should publish this thing
9/7/2014 c37 resalith
Absolutely loved this story!
6/10/2014 c37 Anon
I don't know what I was expecting from the summary, but it certainly wasn't what I got, and I mean that in the best way possible. I don't think a summary could even contain the amounts of sheer creative FUN this story has. I love the world you've created.

I really enjoyed reading about Kedean and Baisyl- and I hope that you get the inspiration/time to work on the sequel (especially because that means more Natara, right?)- and I am fantastically invested in all these characters. The ending was heart-wrenching, but I am telling myself that OF COURSE they are going to get back together and end up living happily ever after because otherwise ending here would just be too sad.
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