Just In
for Always Dandelions

4/2/2013 c23 Stacey
I really hope for a happy ending.
4/1/2013 c8 Amy
The details were beautiful.
3/30/2013 c23 Guest
Ohmygosh. I was in so much pain these last few chapters. :[
And when Joe took Gavin, that completely tore me apart. :c
This is a super good story in my opinion.
3/29/2013 c23 xxSongBirdxx
is that meaning that this will not have a happy ending? how sad.
3/26/2013 c23 Guest
Nooooo! D': I feel so so bad for adrian. Jenny has some darn good reasons to be mad at him but I still just UGH Im hurting for him. Hope he can make her understand how much he loves her. What he did what messed up but Jenny needs to work it out and forgive him. IS HE DIVORCED YET?!
3/25/2013 c12 Guest
Aw! Please let them end up together! I have a HUGE soft spot for war stories and have full intentions of joining the armed forces myself (yes I am female) and I know how terrible PTSD is. Adrian deserves his princess and Jenny deserves something good in her life!
3/25/2013 c23 Guest
It's your story but I've always thought that there is a reason most people read these kind of stories and that is for escape. The world is already a sad place and it is really not going to help reading sad endings too...It is the happy ending which leaves us with hope that sometimes everything DOES turn out alright!..Anyhow..
3/25/2013 c23 Barefootballerin
I kind of want to see her straighten up and go to college and eventually reunite with her brother. Hopefully her and his dad will get along to. I got really attached to this character like I would a friend. I just wanna see her happy.
3/25/2013 c23 PD
you got me weeping so hard in these two late chapters. Seriously, its ridiculous. I dont want her to end up so broken, i feel she already sank deep enough. It has to get better... I wish i could criticise her behavior, and say shes too harsh, but i kinda understand. I wish i could say she seems to enjoy watching the poor guy suffer with her attitudes, that her attitude is childish, but i get it. I wish i could say you could make the guy make her undestand his side. I wish i could make you write the best ending ever. The most flufy, cliche ending ever. Because this story is too extreme, and a little bit of sugar is needed in this pool of acid. You are an excellent writer, good job with this story. This is mentaly exausting just to read, so writing it must be twice that hard. Keep up, and update soon
3/25/2013 c22 reader
emotional rollercoater, loved it!
3/26/2013 c23 bananagirl333
Thank you so much for updating. I have been going out of my mind trying to find something to read to hold my attention, but haven't found anything as good as your story. A lot of times when people write about sex its just sex or there is no reality to it, but everything you write has a true feeling to it. It has raw emotion and confusion and reality. It can be sad, but it also makes the best stories. So...thanks
3/26/2013 c23 KetchCullen
I'm so happy you're back, even if it's short-lived. I completely understand life gets in the way, so don't want to pressure you in writing when it's really for your benefit anyway! Reviews are just bonus :-)
But, seriously, you are an incredible writer. That chapter had me filled with the anger, hurt and disgust that Jenny was feeling. I can't stop thinking about it! So, you can officially pat yourself on the back as you've done exactly what a writer should do - make their audience feel.
I really hope you can churn out another chapter while you're on break!
3/26/2013 c23 2LiterateLovers
You are killling me, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Sweet fluff just isn't their thing and that is what I like about this story. It is just realistic enough for me to believe this unbelievable relationship. Thank you.
3/26/2013 c23 1starlight91
This story scares me with its intensity. Everything seems so extreme. I can't imagine what Jenny must be going through! Losing her mother, then discovering that Adrian had a wife, and then losing her brother to Kessler. A series of the utmost misfortunes! I honestly hope that she gets her happy ending. If she doesn't deserve it, then I have no idea who does.
3/26/2013 c4 5DarkHeartsStillBeat
I love the story so far eveything about it, nothing more to say, its amazing
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