Just In
for Always Dandelions

8/23/2015 c5 Anon Anon
This story is so painfully beautiful and raw.
3/25/2015 c27 Guest
That ending pissed me off
2/24/2015 c20 Damnjpg
Its so weird.. you keep chaning the names of the mothers.. first her mom was called Danielle, then it was Eloise or something.. And then Adrians mom was Ellen, but now you changed it to Helen.. Is this something you are aware of or do you just not remember the names of the people you write? :s I really love your story and I cant wait to read more of it, but I was just wondering haha :p
1/18/2015 c27 fivesevenfive
I don't know what to other than this story was amazing...you did a great job writing it and making everything - the plot, the characters - perfect.
1/15/2015 c27 3ColdWinter12
I loved your story. It was absolutely beautiful, and your prose were just like a poem. I loved the way you compared Adrian to a Viking warrior. It was such a great description. Your writing style is so enchanting that I couldn't stop reading. I liked how the ending ended with them still trying to work out their relationship and their issues. They're two broken people who are still working out their issues and still living. I loved the story. There were some moment that lacked some plot development, but the storyline was still smooth. It was awesome, and I'm excited to read any of your future stories.
1/10/2015 c22 toffeema
oh man .. . . THAT was the hardest chapter to read so far - the one that brought tears to my eyes! Poor Gav and Jenny! :(
10/20/2014 c27 1Violet daughter of Percabeth
I love it! that was THE cutest, sweetest most romantic proposal i have ever read and i am in the business of reading every love story i have time for and can get my hands on! I loved!
10/17/2014 c27 Mercyrus
i loved this...i read it all in one sitting...and i CRIED! oh god! Gavin...the baby...i cried for him and his Jenny...

and beautiful, wounded Adrian
10/10/2014 c27 Liz in WA State
Dear S. Wilde: We, your fans, have waited patiently to read the continuation of Adrian and Jenny. I LOVE their story and how wonderfully it ended. I'm sorry for the heartbreak and depression you suffered. You are a gifted writer and sincerely hope to read more from you. I plan to re-read their story even though I know how they end up. Perhaps some day there will be a sequel to see where they go from here. Here's to Adrian and Jenny! THANK YOU for their story!
10/3/2014 c27 xxSongBirdxx
What a lovely ending thanks for finishing this.
9/29/2014 c27 RadagastBrown
Thank you for closing out the story - I for one loved it.
9/26/2014 c8 Jaden360
Very good
9/26/2014 c8 Guest
That was an amazing chapter and I think u are a very good writer
9/28/2014 c27 smrae
Awww jenny and Adrian! They found happiness and that is all that matters. I can't believe its over! Feels like yesterday you started this story. I think the ending was just right for these two! I am sorry you experienced such heartbreak and I hope writing continues to be therapeutic for you. You are a wonderful writer. Can't wait to read more of your work!
9/25/2014 c27 Raychel
I actually laughed out loud and said, "no fucking way" when I got the email that there was another chapter! Great way to end it, too. :)
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