Just In
for Always Dandelions

8/12/2013 c26 cassiealan34
Adrian. Adrian. Oh my God. My babies! I can't wait for him to heal :') I knew he wasn't hurt. Anyways very -very- good chapter:)
8/12/2013 c26 4AboutAs SubtleAs A FlyingBrick
Hallalujah! You're back! Congrats on graduating and I'm sorry to hear about your depression. I hope your ok x. This chapter was really good considering the time since the last update. I'm really happy Adrian is alive, perhaps very emotionally wrecked but I'm so glad this story is back. I think Adrian and Jenny's characters are so unique, I mean I haven't seen any characters or a story like this before so it's quite exciting. Cannot wait to read more. Super happy you're back writing!
8/12/2013 c26 twinklegoesthesea
ahhhh loved it! I was balling my eyes out the whole time :)
Also I just wanted to tell you that doing what you love has produced this magnificent story. I hope one day you will try and get it published. I know I'll buy it.
8/11/2013 c26 2littlelil1991
I'm relieved to know that he is alive since that was such a big cliffhanger. I honestly don't know what else to say about this chapter but I can't wait to see how it will progress from here. Hope to seen an update from ya soon!
8/11/2013 c26 InLoveWithSongs
When I got the email that you updated the story I was terrified to read it because I thought he died and I got so emotional that I cried last chapter so I was very worried about more induced heart breaking. I'm really happy that I worked up the courage to read it because he's ALIVE! So know that I know he's alive I'm totally excited for the next chapter :D
8/11/2013 c26 3Smartgirl94
Oh my ice cream, I thought he died, and it's good to know that he didn't! Please update soon :D
8/6/2013 c25 14FallenAngelFromTheSky
I think this is so amazing! Please update soon!
8/5/2013 c25 BattleShip

I finished reading your story in two days. It's really good and you should definitely finish it. If you need help with anything (ideas, proof reading or anything else), feel free to let me know.

I really hope it was the Sheriff shooting at Adrian's hand so that the gun gets knocked out of his hand and no one dying in this scene :)
8/3/2013 c25 Guest
you need to update
7/27/2013 c25 1Violet daughter of Percabeth
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! What is the point of life anymore! How can you do that! my life is over! my heart hurts! I can't stop crying!
7/22/2013 c24 XXHotSparklesXX
Please update . sooooo goooood
7/17/2013 c25 Guest
Just read through the while story before reviewing. What a cliff hanger! I just about freaked when I saw that was the end so far! ;;

I really really enjoy this story though! Love each character and the emotions they go through. I can definitely feel them through your writing. Not going to lie, I teared up a lot. But that's what's so great about it. I love when I can get so into a story that I can feel so many different emotions for the characters. So really good job and I can't wait to see where this goes!
7/18/2013 c25 2littlelil1991
Omg! I love this story sooooo much. It's intense and emotional. I cried when she found out about Adrian and when Gavin was taken from her. Now I just want to know that Adrian will live or not and what will Jenny do. Ugh please don't leave me hanging to long.
7/16/2013 c1 ididshank
Please update soon!
7/14/2013 c25 SoccerChicky99
I just want to cry after reading this:( Please say it wasn't Adrians gun that went off! Great chapter hope you update soon!
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