8/28/2011 c4
You and "June" are absolutely insane. :P
Also: It's Dr. Horrible's turn. :D

You and "June" are absolutely insane. :P
Also: It's Dr. Horrible's turn. :D
7/13/2011 c3
Love it. Again. And J.R. totally reminds me of this guy I go to school with. He has no idea how to be nice. He's like a brick wall.

Love it. Again. And J.R. totally reminds me of this guy I go to school with. He has no idea how to be nice. He's like a brick wall.
7/13/2011 c2 CyanideMangoOfMassDestruction
YESSSS! There's more! I had no idea there were more chapters...silly CMOMD. I love it. I may have said that before.
YESSSS! There's more! I had no idea there were more chapters...silly CMOMD. I love it. I may have said that before.
7/4/2011 c3
4Made To Syn
i really dont get hawking our wares thing. but, im starting to think your a bit like me...
your sorta kinda funnyyyy...

i really dont get hawking our wares thing. but, im starting to think your a bit like me...
your sorta kinda funnyyyy...
7/4/2011 c2 Made To Syn
well than. i dont know why you call our british accents cockney. ita asctually quite oofensive.
noo, just kidding, im no brit. funny, sounds like some stuff me and my friends' conversations.
some of them sound like me and my voices conversations though.
well than. i dont know why you call our british accents cockney. ita asctually quite oofensive.
noo, just kidding, im no brit. funny, sounds like some stuff me and my friends' conversations.
some of them sound like me and my voices conversations though.
6/28/2011 c3 iheart2sing
This is hilarious! More, please!
This is hilarious! More, please!
6/5/2011 c3
22slave to the voices
I have to say this is probably my least favorite of your work. While the writing itself is (as always) flawless, the comedy and story (for me) was a little lacking. It's things like this why people use the term "inside joke". While it is funny, it's not as funny to me because I'm not in the loop.
On a side note: Yes, beef jerky is supposed to smell like that. And, as much as I'd like to pass you stories on to my friends, I have none that read.
I'm looking forward to more of your stories!

I have to say this is probably my least favorite of your work. While the writing itself is (as always) flawless, the comedy and story (for me) was a little lacking. It's things like this why people use the term "inside joke". While it is funny, it's not as funny to me because I'm not in the loop.
On a side note: Yes, beef jerky is supposed to smell like that. And, as much as I'd like to pass you stories on to my friends, I have none that read.
I'm looking forward to more of your stories!
5/16/2011 c3
Hahaha! This is hysterical. I think you and I would be SUCH good friends. You're living my life!
I love it, and I love your writing style. I'd love to get an email saying you've updated this soon. *makes begging doe eyes*

Hahaha! This is hysterical. I think you and I would be SUCH good friends. You're living my life!
I love it, and I love your writing style. I'd love to get an email saying you've updated this soon. *makes begging doe eyes*
4/15/2011 c2
Hilariously funny. I especially like the cockney accents :) I wish I had one...

Hilariously funny. I especially like the cockney accents :) I wish I had one...
3/19/2011 c2 literal.semicolon
Bahahahahaha! "Shane," and "Alex"! I totally know who they are. And "Mr. Deere"! =^_^=
Bahahahahaha! "Shane," and "Alex"! I totally know who they are. And "Mr. Deere"! =^_^=