Just In
for The Magic Mirror

8/8/2011 c2 5Danzi
I love Dumpling! Hahaha and the character of Audrin is really fantastic. I love her personality, I think she’ll be a great character later on from what I’ve seen so far =]

I like the idea of Fier saying I’m doomed for hours haha. I like his character too. I think you’ve done a brilliant job to have created two charming characters that I love hearing about by the second chapter. “Dying song” =] And the intereaction between them at the end was hilarious!
8/8/2011 c1 Danzi
Oh I AM liking this! It’s a fantastic fantasy story in its very essence of mysteriousness..ness. I like the humour running through it, not too much to detract from the story but it takes the edge off what I can see as a fairly hard core story. You do a brilliant job with the descriptions and scene painting. I love this line in particular “Fier did not run. The birds were faster. He did not fight for the birds were stronger, and he did not beg for the birds were souless.”

I think this could be a great story, course you’ve got loads of reviews so I doubt you’ll need me to reassure you.

Aside from a couple of things like emprisoned instead of imprisoned and the ‘Birds’ having a capital sometimes and not others I couldn’t find anything that needed changing =]
6/27/2011 c41 31HeroofEnelios
I am glad and proud to have been apart of reading this story, it was great from start to finish. Loved it. :)
6/26/2011 c41 MNS
Can't wait for the sequel! :D
6/14/2011 c40 HeroofEnelios
I am very happy to have read this story and I must say it has been a wonderful ride from beginning to end. Proud to have been a reader and I look forward to more great stories from you.

6/14/2011 c40 KPadraic
So I stumbled upon your story, and have been sitting at my computer eager to finish your story. It is wonderful and very imaginative. I can honestly say that I was on the edge of my seat with every word, even chuckling out loud many times because of the clever and witty things your characters would say. The story beautifully wove many different characters together, and just blew me away. The story was detailed, yet vague enough to leave room for my imagination to be sparked. In short, I loved this story. Well done. One question I do have, however, is how come it is not published and selling millions of copies? It is wildly entertaining, and I can see it being something that would do incredibly well if given the chance to be published. Maybe think about it? I cannot stop raving about how great it was to read such a well thought out and magical story. Your characters were very likable (even the 'bad' characters), and they were very dynamic. It wasn't just a girl wanting to have an adventure, and it wasn't just an 'evil' sorcerer trying to rule the world. There was depth and motivation and empathy. I applaud you. Wow. well, now that I've written well more than I planned, I wish you the best. Keep writing, and look towards getting this published. It was amazing.
6/14/2011 c40 athensfell
I absolutely adore the scene with Mrs. Plow and Mr Lout bragging about their kids. And we learn that, once again, pie saves the day every time! Go pie!

The last scene is great too, even if it does leave me with annoyingly conflicted opinions about Niarosa. Damn you, why must you make your characters so complex? I was perfectly happy to leave it at Niarosa=bad, Fritz and folks=good. I'm also feeling very sad/happy/hungry that this is over. These feelings all together are soon going to make my brain explode, but you could fix that. All you have to do is start writing the sequel.

Sequels are great! You don't even have to work on making new characters. You can just use the ones you already have and everyone will love it because, lets face it, you got some pretty great characters here.

A sequel would also give you the chance to kill a character, bring a character back to life, explore dramatic pasts, take Marcos's shirt off, eat the uneaten pie, give Naros some catchy theme music, have characters travel to another land, have characters travel to another dimension, have characters travel to wal-mart, search for a holy-grail type artifact, eat more briarberry pie, kill Graves...again? FESTIVAL OF PAIN, compete in a fighting tournament of seven rounds, Romantic interest perhaps? AND MUCH MUCH MORE!

So...(taps foot)I'm waiting.
6/12/2011 c39 HeroofEnelios
Great job with this chapter, I am kinda sad the story is nearing its end because it has been an awesome story but I congratulate you on writing a wonderful piece. Well done!
6/11/2011 c39 athensfell
EPIC almost ending chapter! Audrin was always meant to be a knight and I love how jealous Fier is of Fritz. His dialogue in this chapter is hilarious! I'm hoping for a conclusion for Fritz and Naros in the next chapter, so please update it soon!

I'm very impatient.

...Is it up yet?

6/9/2011 c38 HeroofEnelios
Now that's what I call a sensational near ending to this story. It keeps building up, building up and right at this chapter it hit the major point. Great job!
6/3/2011 c37 9The Folk Extraction
GAH! How can you leave us hanging like that? I need Guillotine island part 2 thank you very much! The epic battle between Frits and Graves must continue! ...And Graves had better die...Just saying. Add more!
6/3/2011 c37 31HeroofEnelios
Ha ha take that Graves! The ending to this chapter is something I've been looking forward for a long time. This is going to be one heck of a struggle. Awesome! Great chapter!
5/28/2011 c36 MNS
LOVE the story. Sorry I didn't review for each chapter individually, but I got so caught up in the story that having to pause between chapters would have been emotionally taxing. I want to meet all the characters- except for Graves. Audrin is my favorite, but Naros and the birds are close runners up; The way they talk and act and think are completely absorbing. I know you update frequently, but I want more NOW! Seriously, you should get this published. I'd love to have it on my bookshelf.
5/24/2011 c36 9The Folk Extraction
Not guillotine island! -sigh- why didn't Fritz just kill Lenore when he had the chance? Naros would've done it! Anyway, I'm glad there's a cure for Audrin, and here's hoping that by the end of this, Graves gets put in the iron maiden or something. Write more!
5/23/2011 c36 31HeroofEnelios
Is anyone ever going to even challenge Graves? Because that would be one epic clash indeed. I wonder who would win in that case... hm...

Aside from that, the only thing I have to say is awesome chapter.
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