Just In
for Farro

11/30/2020 c6 Guest
Are you desi by chance? Some of the food mentioned seems very south Asian
5/30/2016 c35 1Buurman
Just finished this story in one breath! It really pulls me along.

I like what you did with Bata. It was a tale as old as time but even though I was expecting it you had me fooled up until the carriage and Bomani running after them.

I like how the Watesians are not based upon a traditional fantasy white western European culture. What culture or cultures are you basing them on? At first I guessed African but lately I've been considering southern European.

Your characters are rounded out, especially the main characters. Khensa is a strong and confident woman with an amazing power but is uneducated and can be clueless and naive. Bomani is physically strong and very masculine but emotionally and socially ... inexperienced.

Thank you for a wonderful read.
2/24/2016 c35 Guest
I hope you are seriously considering doing this kind of thing professionally. Your work is amazing. Detailed enough to give a clear picture of what's happening but no so detailed as to bore the reader. And the culture surrounding each character is so complex. You would sell big.
1/6/2016 c35 Guest
Great story, extremely well-written and an original plot. The universe was interesting, there weren't any plot holes and above all, the characters were likeable! Definitely want the sequel!
9/10/2015 c35 Mourwen
I was hooked from the moment I opened the first chapter! There are minor mistakes that jar the flow of the story, mostly in a forgotten letter or word such as "his" or "an", things that get fixed by editors. I have rarely fallen in love with a story so quickly and kept loving it after I analyze it, but I need this story's conclusion like I need air! Very beautifully done!
9/10/2015 c35 75AlysonSerenaStone
Wonderful story! I really liked all of the charterers!
6/25/2015 c35 Heise
I haven't had as much of a chance to read Sulfur in one fell swoop the way I did for Farro, but I just wanted to say again, congrats for writing awesome stories. You really successfully made me purchase your book. I'm so proud of you, even as I'm a total stranger.

I just wanted to come back to favorite Farro.
6/16/2015 c35 Heise
I stayed up till 1 on a work night last night to finish Farro... and I just purchased Sulfur. Sigh. I love it. I am a masochist for gripping stories. Thanks so much for getting me back onto a Fictionpress addiction.
12/15/2014 c35 8qpst1235
I love it. Though, when I heard it was romance, I was expecting a bit more romance. Don't get me wrong, it's beautifully done and I couldn't do any better, but I was expecting a bit more of the romance side. That's just my opinion though. I love the idea with the whistles for communication.
6/5/2014 c35 Guest
I stumbled upon your stories just the other day and could not stop reading! I love the way your characters develop and how you show both their good points as well as their flaws. I also like the way you play out the different scenes and plant hints and such to connect to later in the story. I really want to finish Sulfur and some of your other stories, so I plan to get them on Kindle. Keep up the good work!
3/14/2014 c35 Dominique Diane
Oh my God, I really loved this story it was great. The way you wrote the first chapter of the story reminded me of an Edgar Allan Poe story. I'm really planning on buying this book in Amazon. I loved how you developed the characters and how you wrote from Kensha's view. Bomani, God, i loved him! Sorry for the short review, but I read this story a week ago so the inspiration is far away from me now!
12/26/2013 c1 Guest
I got this in ebook form, and I loved it! It's one of my favorite kindle books, I've read it about six times. That and the sequel. :)
7/30/2013 c15 Guest
Finally, someone who actually uses the word 'xenophobic'! You have made me so happy!
7/23/2013 c35 Meli Sand
This is one of those stories that I read years ago and fell in love with. (Well, this and Sulfur.) I just wanted to say: congrats on getting your works published! And keep writing, please. It makes me so happy to find wonderful authors online. :) I know you'll be successful - and in the meantime, I can just follow you here. :D
7/14/2013 c35 1Dark Lord Morthanian
Finishing this book is rather depressing, knowing that it's over. But the sequel is going to be even better, which is hopefully even better (a hard thing to do). Thanks for this wonderful story, and expect a new dedicated reader from me.
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