Just In
for Ever Dream

12/2/2013 c25 2Espn Laflamme
I really really loved this story, now waiting for you to update the others :)
12/2/2013 c22 Espn Laflamme
I had just fallen in love with Beret... then you killed his partner, I actually had a few tears at that point, because Hanth's love was so true. He love Beret more then himself, and that is true love. :( I really love your writing, but reading that hurt :(.
4/12/2013 c25 A.Collins
Ps. This story should have BUTTLOADS more reviews than it does! Why haven't more people read and reviewed this wondrous thing!?
4/12/2013 c25 A.Collins
Some (read: quite a few) years leaked out of my eyeballs when Hanth died and when Calyne stayed behind and then when Fareus and Calyne were reunited and then when this story ended. and also a bit inbetween those. So.. This story was amazing, and I'm going to go ahead and reread it in a month or less.

Thanks for writing this story :') I'm glad I found it.
4/10/2013 c22 6Yellow Cotton Hat
This is beautifully wonderful and I am hopelessly in love.


To address the latest chapter first of all... My reaction was all "NO HANTH, NO," and "NO, BERET- Oh, GO! - but don't kill yourself with over magic use, a'ight?" and "DIE, XARNOR, EAT SOMETHING HORRIBLY ILL-TASTING AND DIE", and "TORBEN, BABY, YOU'VE ONLY FAINTED, RIGHT?"

The deaths! Oh, Lord, the deaths! And poor Zanar, man! Not to mention Rien, de devant! Omo, tis all far too sad to be true. Plus, how could you do this to dear Zanar, baby? He (seems to have permanently) lost his other good eye, and now his Torbens gone and dropped to the floor. Like, can this wonderously darling pirate bloke not catch a break? (I love Zanar a little/a lot, no fault of my own. In fact, 'tis yours.)

And, jeepers, don't even let me get started on Leix. I like him, I like him. Cal I'm a bit iffy with. Like, of course I like him and everything too, but, considering how much I adore Mr. Captain Fareus himself, I think he should be stronger. Not physically- that's not what I mean at all. More that he should be making more of an effort on behalf of both he and his beau (seeing as dear Fareus over there had his heart ripped from him once already. Cal you be striving for a repeat to not take place). That he'd been guilt-ridden and depressed was completely fair enough before, but when they all came to the dungeon to save him, as he'd secretly been hoping, I felt he should have been a LOT more grateful. Shown some lovin, -ahem- if you know what I mean.

Ah. But, anyhow.

I love, love, love your characters. Hanth was a bit of a lil biatch for a while, but Lord! He has feelings! And so suddenly I was waving his flag, begging for him life to be spared (to an unresponsive screen, but I digress). I'd wave and shout at you instead, but you wouldn't see, and my voice is already long gone, sack of belongings in hand.
Suppose this'll have to suffice.

En tout cas, I have prolly said enough (or too much, depending, eh? Eh? Eh?) so I shall remove myself, now, avec one more thing...


(This needs more reviews.)

D'accord! Au revoir!
1/22/2013 c20 lostlamb
Ending with a cliffie how wrong so very wrong. My heart is now breaking. Please update soon
1/12/2013 c1 A.Collins
The kings guards are not very loyal, are they. If they were truly loyal to the royal family, they would all have helped Calyne take back the kingdom that's rightfully his.
But then there wouldn't be a story, so meh. Cookies for updates
1/7/2013 c19 lucky97
Great chapter! It's my fault for not commenting earlier (having it on hold since the day after it came out...) and this keeps me more on edge, I hope they manage to get out without too much blood shed... Keep doing a good job!
12/21/2012 c19 A.Collins
NoOoOoOooo! It seemed too good to be true
Keep on updating before I forget characters which will make me sad because this story is so very good
11/11/2012 c18 lucky97
I'm sorry for falling off the face of the planet, again, but I really liked this chapter! If that help's any. I really want to know what happens next, they need to save Cal fast, although it's kinda, sorta a cliff hanger, I love the way it ended. Awesome chapter, bye.
8/31/2012 c16 1OfficialGeek
This is an amazing story. I love the plot and all the characters, even though there are a lot of them and it took my tired brain a while to remember who is who... This story deserves so many more reviews than it has! I read this all in one sitting and I haven't stood up for two hours XD I LOVE CALYNE! He's soooo adorable and I feel so sorry for him! He needs to stop being so morbid! He won't die! A certain excellent author will save him *hint hint* :) please update soooooon XD
8/20/2012 c16 Guest
Faerus needs to save Cal ASAP!
8/19/2012 c15 Guest
Love it! Hanth?
8/6/2012 c13 lucky97
This is a great chapter, yet again. I absolutely can't wait for the next chapter. I love this story and the way it keeps going.
7/30/2012 c12 lucky97
I can't wait for the next bit, it's going to be awesome, I can tell.
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