Just In
for I Thee Wed

5/12/2011 c16 BrieDanielle
OMG your going to prom...i hope you love your dress and have a fabulous night on Saturday! ...well back to i thee wed! omg loved this chapter, and i love that whole twins idea IM SO EXCITED ...you should name one after me ...Brie ...its a pretty cool name lol HAVE FUN AT PROM IT WILL BE GREAT!
5/12/2011 c16 5Mrs.Sara.Leugers
Yay! An update! Twins! I can't wait till my husband and I decided on another baby. But anywho, I can't wait to read more. I know Lucas and Rina have had a lot of fights and I hope they can work thru it all bc pregnancy hormones are a bitch. been there done that and want to do it all over again.
5/12/2011 c16 13angellover254
Wow, I didn't see that coming once bit! I can't believe his gay? What?...and wow she's having twins? I hope the twins, will be a boy and a girl, but it's your choice I guess...update when you can please!
5/12/2011 c16 Boooooooooooooooooooyah
n'aw I really love this chapter (:
4/30/2011 c15 Lexy7432
Yay! She's preggers. Get better soon!
4/20/2011 c15 Cloudy Glass
Thinking of you! Hoping you feel better soon!
4/20/2011 c14 Cloudy Glass
Best friends like Tyler are a pain in the neck and the best part of life. Haha! Loved the new side of Lucas. It's like he's finally been able to relax with Rina and be normal/ordinary with her. He's not walking on eggshells all the time with her. Loved the new personality. And I still think your sex scenes are tastefully done. Nice work!
4/20/2011 c13 Cloudy Glass
Well-done! A very successful story and it felt... um... real-ish? You know, it's not always gonna be perfect and how nervous Rina was getting when they were dancing and everything was a nice touch. :) And the ending was pretty funny. I"m in a coffee shop and I'm trying not to bust-up laughing aloud.

Rina being supportive of Derrick is completely understandable and right. I can't imagine that they'd do any differently, Rina or Lucas. It was good.

Ah, family support. Love it, need it, hate it.
4/20/2011 c11 Cloudy Glass
Little confused by why Rina is taking it so personally that Lucas is taking over the business. It was always in the plan. I mean, back when they decided to get married and all Lucas told her that he was marrying her for the business (kinda). IDK, it just seems like she's over-reacting... again. LOL, I'm sure it's just her personality. Although it's kinda funny seeing how suppressed she has been by her family. She sure is outspoken otherwise. :)

I'll be thinking of you for your surgery.
4/20/2011 c10 Cloudy Glass
I have some catching up to do! Firstly, I think Rina is moving along fairly quickly with Lucas. Although in "story time" we as readers want things to happen quickly, if you think about how little real-world time has actually passed for them in their marriage, they're doing just fine. Seriously. While I agree to a certain extent with you about a parent having to really care about your life to want you to marry a good man, etc., I DO think it's a twisted version of love and possibly a selfish love at that.
4/18/2011 c15 Sharky237
Aww, this is such an amazingly cute story. I really love Lucas, he is incredibly sweet and caring but he also has flaws which make him real and not just some fictional prince charming. Rina is a surprisingly different character. I wouldn't say that she is a weak female character, but I wouldn't say that she is the strongest one either. She is somewhere in a happy medium and that makes me happy because that means there is room for her to grow. I do have a question (if this was answered in an AN already I'm sorry, some of them were too long to read), what grade is Rina in? Is she a junior or a senior? Because I would hope that they would have both waited if she was a junior to have a baby. It would be terribly hard to raise a child and go to high school at the same time.

Great story and I hope to hear from you soon. I read about your surgery, I hope you are doing well and that everything turns out equally as well for you.


4/16/2011 c15 Kat
Please update! Please? Haha.

But seriously... great story!
4/13/2011 c15 rrmerlan
I'm really happy to hear from you. Please take a rest, we'll be patiently waiting for your news.
4/13/2011 c10 rrmerlan
Well, let me tell you that I'm very much OK with the rithm and speed of their relationship. I like things slow, I'm a romantic myself. So I'm enjoying this story very, very much.
4/9/2011 c15 2RomanticGirl17
i'm so glad you're back, i was worried that the operation didn't succeed. i hope you'll be well soon! take care of yourself =)
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