Just In
for I Thee Wed

1/2/2013 c21 Lolipop
Of course :)
You do what you have to do and the rest of us will understand. Put yourself first.
1/2/2013 c1 1StorieLuver101
11/27/2012 c1 Jojo81
Just wondering if you have moved to another site yet. I really miss this story
11/12/2012 c21 Guest
Could you post chapters in here as well? I already follow a lot of stories on here and fanfiction, so I mostly ignore things from other websites.
6/4/2012 c21 1ElleBearTheWolf
I love ur story and will definitely keep reading it when u move it :3

Lol I started reading it last night and just finished right now and all I could think was - D8 and that's not even a thought! I was also reading through ur personal troubles you've had that made me feel really bad and rather worried. I could relate with head aches and migrains, though u had another problem, I usually stress out a lot, or the air pressure changes, and then I get a migraine -_-
6/2/2012 c6 1JulietMillbank
I love the interaction between Lucas and Rina as their relationship grows, it's adorable! The "man treating the woman as property" thing makes sense in the situation, and I love that Lucas isn't that kind of guy, it's easier to relate to him and Rina when he isn't a huge controlling jerk.
6/1/2012 c5 JulietMillbank
I loved how you described Lucas and Rina's kiss - not the big, chick flick, fireworks and doves that you always read, just a sweet, meaningful kiss. It was adorable, along with the rest of the wedding.

Although, I did notice another spot where the points of view change:

"When all of the toasts were done we began to eat our dinner, enjoying the hum of voices throughout the room. The meal, a light Italian pasta, was absolutely delicious, almost better than any that she had tasted before. Lucas had gone with the flavored salmon, but he seemed to be enjoying it equally as much.

We were quiet throughout the meal, but he held my hand underneath the table, squeezing it every once in a while."
6/1/2012 c4 JulietMillbank
The conflict between Rina staying and Rina going to California is very realistic, good job!
6/1/2012 c3 JulietMillbank
"What would Lucas expect of her as his wife? What kind of man was he really? What about the wedding night? She was going to be giving up her virginity to a complete stranger.

She had waited until she was seventeen, even with being in a serious relationship. Did they honestly expect her to just give it up like it meant nothing to her?"

That makes the story seem like it's in third person, but you've got first person in here as well. Other than that, I love it! I've read through this a few times, but this is my first time submitting feedback!
5/7/2012 c21 tiffanyba
I'm kinda new to fictionpress, but I really like this story. Can you please tell me where it is located (P.S. I don't even write on here, nor do I steal (work or material things). Thou shall not steal.) PLEASE let me read this! And respond, please!
3/28/2012 c21 2Lafleurpreferee
I can't remember if I've ever reviewed your story, but I have to say that ever since I requested the story alerts (which has been quite a while!) as to when this story is updated, I have eagerly anticipated every update. Every chapter, or just update about what's going on... Just seeing the email in my inbox about a new addition to the story was exciting. It's a wonderful story, and pretty unique. I look forward to continuing to explore the developing relationships and plot twists as they come, if you will invite a devoted reader to tag a long in your story's journey.
2/26/2012 c21 2BookAddiction24
agh! Well... now you have to tell me where it is!
2/26/2012 c19 BookAddiction24
This story is amazing :)

You know what would be even more amazing? If you responded to one of my reviews! :)
2/26/2012 c18 BookAddiction24
This story is amazing. I have to finish reading what you have so far later.
2/26/2012 c17 BookAddiction24
wow... Derrick is a playa!
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