Just In
for I Thee Wed

2/26/2012 c16 2BookAddiction24
Aw! They said, "I love you!"

they're so adorable!

Oh, and by the way... this is your 300th review
2/26/2012 c15 BookAddiction24
agh! It was kinda hard for me to read this one, since it was all scrunched up, but I did catch the part where it said that she's pregnant :)
2/26/2012 c14 BookAddiction24
All of your medical conditions are really depressing me! :(

The end was funny :)
2/26/2012 c13 BookAddiction24
ew! little girls should not be caught doing bad things!
2/26/2012 c12 BookAddiction24
2/26/2012 c11 BookAddiction24
they're... they're gonna do it...
2/26/2012 c10 BookAddiction24
If you had deleted this story, my life wouldn't be complete

2/26/2012 c9 BookAddiction24
they kissed! Ah! :)

Wow... all of those conditions... I hope that it's better by noe! or that it gets better soon!
2/26/2012 c8 BookAddiction24
If I were her, I would just switch to another school or skip his class everyday.
2/26/2012 c7 BookAddiction24
aw! 3
2/26/2012 c6 BookAddiction24
(: I wish that she didn't have to go to school!


2/26/2012 c5 BookAddiction24
I almost started crying :'(
2/26/2012 c4 BookAddiction24
2/26/2012 c3 BookAddiction24
this is really good (:

I don't know what to say, but I know that it feels really special when you get a review... so... here ya go!
2/3/2012 c8 7bandgirlz
Having a relationship with your teacher isn't illegal. There's a whole code of ethics problem, and the teacher would probably get fired, but that doesn't make it a crime. The only crime would be if anything sexual happened, because she's still 17, it would be considered statutory rape, or sexual misconduct, or corruption of a minor, or whatever they call it, depending on what state you're in. However, them being married takes the problem away, and everything's honky dory again. So, moral of the story, you can have a relationship with your teacher as long as you marry him before anything sexual happens and you don't let the administration know. And now you know! ;-P

So, about the separate Lucas story thing...is this going to stop making sense if I don't read that? Am I going to miss important things? I get why authors on this site do the parallel story thing, and it's fine if you're reading it hot off the presses, but when you're not it's just plain confusing. I don't know which chapters correlate, and I don't want to read too far in one and then miss stuff in the other, it's just...hard. And I'm lazy (except when it comes to bizarre legal questions). So I hope the answer is I don't have to read the other story, and I can just go read it later for fun's sake!
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