Just In
for Savior of the Damned

10/3/2011 c5 5Darkfairy102
Great chapter! :D
9/5/2011 c4 Darkfairy102
Great story so far!
8/16/2011 c1 4D. W. Tyn
What's this? A revsion of Savior of the Supernatural? I don't know wheater to be excited or worried. I hope you're going to keep some of the characters; espcially Isaiah. Good luck with this, writergurl; I mean it.
4/29/2011 c3 5Darkfairy102
Her biggest fan? O.o I'm curious to find out as well! You have a marvelous story thus far. Keep writing, please!

4/24/2011 c3 2Angelis Kate
Now this first person was on par with S. Meyer. I noticed that you tend to take the first person 'past-tense' perspective, rather than living the moment. :)


... please?

And if you have the time perhaps you'll RTF?
3/6/2011 c1 4I-R-Marie
Wow. This is a complete different beginning than when I first read it. :D I like the differences though, the way you add more details. I truly miss this story. :)

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