Just In
for Gossip, Set, and Match

8/4/2014 c33 Anon
Please update soon! Please!
8/2/2014 c33 Anon
Please update soon! Can't wait to read the next chapter!
8/1/2014 c33 fariswheel
I am just so excited for Reese and Mackie getting together!
7/28/2014 c33 Guest
I really hope you update soon! Love this story and can't wait to read more!
7/19/2014 c33 Anon
I hope we don't have to wait too long for the next update!
7/14/2014 c33 Faelen
I haven't been on fictionpress in quite some time, but then I remembered your story and realized that I had to check for an update- and I'm glad I did! I love this story, and I can't wait for another chapter to come out. Mackie and Reese are both amazing characters with so much personality (I love their banter); I'm excited to see how their story will continue in the next (hopefully quick) update!
7/13/2014 c33 5U MadeMyLifeComplete
ERMAGURD PLEASE UPDATE, I LOVE THIS STORY WITH ALL MY HEART AND DANG NABBIT MACKIE AND REESE! I really hope you find the time to updste because gurl you my favorite writer and this is my favorite story!
Sincerely, Grace
7/11/2014 c33 12mirame-99
7/7/2014 c33 KatieLizzie95
Ok, I finally had to make an account, so I could get notifications for when you update! Although this chapter was on the shorter side, I still loved it. Hopefully, Reese and Mackie admit their feelings soon haha. Can't wait to read more! :)
7/7/2014 c33 Anon
I really hope it won't take long for you to update again. You have created such an amazing story with awesome characters, and I just want to read the next chapter! Can't wait for Reese and Mackie to finally confess their feelings. Till next time...which will hopefully be somewhat soon haha.
7/7/2014 c33 Guest
Fingers crossed it is...
7/6/2014 c33 mylittleprincess
confess you'r love damn't, update please.
7/6/2014 c33 A Reader
Chapter 33 has arrived. Yay! Love it. :) I noticed that Mandy had her hips on her shoulders. That's quite an awkward position to be in while having a conversation! Hahaha. :P
7/6/2014 c33 Guest
Yay! I was so excited when I saw the wet for a new chapter! I really love what you have done with this story and I can't wait to see where you go from here. I was hoping for a little more at the end of the chapter because it seemed a little bit abrupt, but all in all, this was a great chapter as usual. :)
7/6/2014 c33 KB
I'm so excited that you're back! I loved this chapter as usual! Can't wait till Reese and Mackie finally admit their feelings for each other!
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