Just In
for The Subtle Art of Honesty

4/23/2011 c1 4Knightmare Elite
It's funny, while reading this, I was thinking back to something a friend told me a few years ago. One day while we were talking about high school, he mentioned that most of the people at our lunch table though I was an asshole.

I was pretty shocked, being the "shy and quiet guy" I even got voted most shyest, and yet I was notoriously a verbal assassin. Maybe it was my lack of proper social skills which limited my tact, but I was often brutally honest, in the most casual manner to people. I never noticed it, though looking back, there are a number of examples.

Later in life, people had admittedly come to me for opinions because they "know I won't lie". Sometimes, I don't know if that's really a good thing. Okay, enough rambling on about me.

I really enjoyed this essay, and you have many great points. The truth is, people like brutally honest truth-from a distance. Take American Idol for one, people LOVED Simon because he was a brutally honest asshole. Not everyone saw him as an asshole, but it was his blunt nature which drew people to the show. It wasn't so much him tearing people down, it was how he verbally dissected a performance without the slightest hesitation, and he slept damn well at night. Another example, take that chef, Gordon Ramsey, much like Simon, he is brutally honest and tears people apart with his constructive criticism.

The thing is, both Simon and Gordon are excellent critics. They point out what's wrong in very clear words so that you can improve. Simon will just tell you and move on, while Gordon will ride you until you improve.

I like honest, I try to put that into my writing, it makes realistic characters and makes readers think. In live, not everyone can handle honesty, and everyone is used to lies. Strange.
3/23/2011 c1 8Adara Darville
I must admit I actually paid attention to this and I both liked and learned from it.

You see my moto in life is "If you don't want the truth don't ask for it"

People who ask for the truth and can't handle should really learn to grow up.

Good luck with your friend.
3/22/2011 c1 15fivelfleurhavens
You know what? I really enjoyed this essay. It was very well written and you kind of sound like me. :p My sister asked me once if her jeans made her look fat and I told her she 'looked like a cow'. Which...she actually kinda did. She wasn't that mad, at least I don't think so.

Okay, that was off subject. But whatever...this was *honestly* a good piece. :)
3/22/2011 c1 Kay
I like your piece. It's very true!

I have been in a similar situation myself, and now she refuses to let me read any of her work. Poor, unfortunate me.

Besides a few grammar mistakes, it was very good!

I like the quotes. :)

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