Just In
for thє вlαdє σf hєr knífє

4/16/2011 c1 4SupersonicPrincess
This is great, please continue. Please.
4/2/2011 c1 13MADdreamers
This is well written. I could feel the heat as you described it even though it's really cold where I am. Please, please continue this I wanna know Charlotte's whole story.
4/1/2011 c1 13Sincerely A. Mouse
I LOVE THIS! Please, please continue!:)
3/31/2011 c1 30Mukuwa.Renu.Koi
Omg! Wow this was so sad! Poor charlotte! Oh hell no I would have bejewled john! What a jerk! And why would julie invite people that obviously don't like charlotte? And ok so 'the monster behind bars' did charlotte get raped? Or maybe abused? Hmm...anyway! I think this wud be a great story! It has great potential! Please continue!

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