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for The Gypsy and the Soldier

5/21/2013 c5 8PearlsAndBlackRoses
Amazing. I'm researching gypsies, Romania, bohemians, and the like for a story I'm writing, as well as reading all the stories I can find about them. Yours is definitely one of the best I've come across. Keep writing!
5/25/2011 c5 6Curlysquirt95
Sweet, I inspired you! :D Lol. This was a great chapter. And Rome is like my favorite city. Ever. I love the history that's coming into play. :) Wasn't it during the French Revolution they buried the dead in catacombs? Creepy. Anyways, I like how hostile Isha and D'Avingnon are towards each other, it makes it seem more realistic. Keep up the great work! :)

Oh, and if you're still looking for a beta...I might be able to do it. The only thing is that I've never done it before. So I'm afraid I wouldn't be exactly what you're searching/expecting, lol.
5/24/2011 c5 2ChrisDrewRocksMyWorld124
Even though this is a short chapter it still has love from me, snd i love how you're trying to switch things up. The cat and mouse thing is awesome, but a little twist is always good. I would beta for you but my grammer isn't that up to par. Sorry.
5/18/2011 c4 6Curlysquirt95
Nice chapter, although I feel like each chapter is the same. Etienne tries to find Isha, he does, and then she runs away. Something exciting needs to happen! Like will Etienne try his hardest to make sure Isha is hung like an outlaw? Or will he protect her from the authorities if he has certain feelings for her? I'm sorry. Your writing is very good though. And what street was Isha at? The black street? I'm trying to keep up with what limited French I know, lol. :) Please update ASAP!
5/15/2011 c3 2ChrisDrewRocksMyWorld124
I love this story so far. Mostly because Isha isn't a damsel in distress. She knows how to fight and she isn't perfect. I hope you do continue!
4/29/2011 c3 Lara
Noticed you wrote that you had found a plot... Well I hadnt really noticed you needed one. So looking forward to read how this story pans out. I like gypsy related stories so please continue updating. Cant wait till the Gypsy stops running from the soldier
4/27/2011 c3 aqua17
this is so good! I've been looking for a good gypsy story for ages. update soon please! :D
4/26/2011 c1 orca67
I love the description. I can see the place and feel like I am there. I wonder why is she on her own, why is she running away? I would also like to know more about her people being on the run and rounded up. I like her character and can tell she is a strong person. Hurry and write more so I know where she is going and know more of the story :)
4/26/2011 c3 6Curlysquirt95
Nice chapter, I'm a little curious as to where this story will lead. Perhaps Isha will stand up against the king for the gypsies and they'll be out of poverty. That's my best guess. I love how you describe everything, I can picture it well. Please update, oh wonderful writer!
4/26/2011 c3 kylen

i decided to answer your plea. I like this story so far, it isnt too bad. My advice tho, is that you need to do some major character development and maybe have a bit more going between the two, the gypsy and soldier. I like romance as long as it is well developed thought out and not rushed. I feel like these two can be tres adorable! Je voudrais la fille et le homme etre amour! Je pense que tu besion a plus temp pour ta roman. My french is really qquite rusty and not ALL that good but hopefully you will understand. ok all done! Good luck :)
4/15/2011 c2 Curlysquirt95
I like this chapter! I like how you gave us the background information, it makes it easier to understand. I'm wondering who she saw at the end...Update soon so I can find out! :)
4/12/2011 c1 Lara
Intriguing story. Im looking forward to seeing how it panns out. Sorry if you want proper feed back.
4/8/2011 c1 Curlysquirt95
This is a great beginning to this story. :) I like what you have going here. I have questions, though. Why are the guards searching for gypsies? What did the gypsies do that the Pope dislikes so much?

And I'm not taking a French class, I'm taking Spanish, so I have no idea what the shopkeeper was saying. Maybe it's just me...But I'd prefer not to have to look things up to understand. :/

Anyways, love this first chapter, don't leave me hanging for more! :)

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