Just In
for The Famine of Happiness

6/12/2011 c1 2SiriusLives1234
This is fantastic. Sorry it took me so long to read it, I didn't know it was up :P But I'm really looking forward to more of it. I love reading about all of the different characters lives, it's a great insight. :) Again, I'm so blown away by your ability to write. It's incredible. Update soon please! :D
5/18/2011 c1 Buds P
this is going to be a really good story I can tell! Update soon!
4/15/2011 c1 5Ms. Poe
Crap. I meant to do this yesterday. Sorry! I'm reviewing now, though, and I LOVE IT. I'm so excited. A new story. A new book full of complex insights into another deep character's life. I can't wait for more. Please, please, please update soon. :)


P.S. Since I only found two little typos, I figured I might as well drop them in the review here. Is that cool? Okay, so here they are:

1. “I should know as well as anyone, since stereotypes are the one thing I rely when meeting new people.” It would appear you forgot to put “on” after rely.

2. “We'd go out a pretend that we were a happy, perfect family.” It would also appear that your “a” is meant to be “and”.

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