Just In
for Crush

8/23/2011 c1 7Hamartia
Ahahaa, I liked it. It was good, and funny :) Original way to end the chapter and begin it, too :)
7/7/2011 c1 1preppychiq03
im one of your biggest fan. i love every bits of your story. this would've turn into something else more than just a one shot. and im actually wondering where'd you get such plot in your head. does it actually came from your real life experience? just wondering! :))
4/21/2011 c1 5Drops of Jewpiter
very interesting start- i feel like i can totally relate to liz
4/21/2011 c1 asklefjaeihog
This is so solidly written! I like your style already:

"Truth be told, she never ever once considered giving Dennish airtime in the major television network that was her brain." Such a clever turn of phrase.

Keep on ;)

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