Just In
for Love Me

8/6/2016 c16 liquid light
So is it true that there's going to be a sequel?
7/7/2014 c15 AnimalLover411
It's been over 2 years! When can we get an update?! What happens with Sasha and James? And Aros?
10/10/2013 c15 White Angel 57
WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?! Why must it end here?! DX This is beautifully wriitten & has several emotions trigger. Please update again, I can't take it if this never continues! D;
6/1/2013 c2 maddie
Um.. i take it English is your 3rd or more language? I would say get a beta reader before posting your work... Apart from that, good work.
3/2/2013 c15 Samij05
omg please continue! James is such a jerk! i keep cryin
12/11/2012 c15 5Huyu-kun
I like the way you have the characters grow and the whole twist. Can't wait for more!
7/7/2012 c1 7Wild rogue
Wow, loved it. Never herd pf male pregnancy before but really enjoying it so far. Kain is an butt hole.

I love that.

The only thing that could be worked on is the endings of words. Mainly with 'ed' and 's'
6/16/2012 c15 Manga-FanFic.Fan
If you don't got any BETA already for this wonderful story, I would love to be yours... :3
3/30/2012 c15 anydayanywhere
Another great chapter. Aros is really strong despite what has been happening to him so far. Excited to find out what happens next! :D
3/25/2012 c15 75WolfletteMoon
Sorry I didn't review earlier.

I'm not normally a huge fan of M-preg stories, but I have to say you write it extremely well. You've managed to keep the characters and their reactions more-or-less believable, which is something a lot of writers seem to struggle with here.

Your grammar seems to have gotten better, too :) But if you do need any help with it, I would be more that happy to help you.

The plot's coming along quite nicely. I love how Aros has grown to love the babies, he deserves some happiness.

I was also listening to music as I read this, and found a song that seems to fit Aros and James quite well - Моё сердце by КИТАЙ. It's all in Russian, so you might need to look up the english translation of the lyrics, but it seems to fit them perfectly :)
3/25/2012 c15 6A.H. Nox
Long time no read! It's heartbreaking as ever! I am still hooked. The back and forth of James' emotions are a little...cliche(?), but you do such a good job with it! One thing...

[Jane jumped and held on to her chest "Wow, you scared me Ro" Jane told him then smiled and kissed his cheek.]

This is in the beginning. What is the "Ro" for? Was that supposed to be a beginning of another word/name?

3/19/2012 c14 anydayanywhere
Yeah I was definitely surprised but then again, surprises within in a story is always great. :D

Somehow, I feel like everyone is treating Aros unfairly...
3/17/2012 c14 NenaFrankie2688
I was confused at first of who was who but then I re-read it. I thought it was well written.great job!
1/1/2012 c13 anydayanywhere
I am really excited to find out what's going to happen next now that Sasha died.
9/26/2011 c13 BigAssHeartedChick9
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