Just In
for The Passage

7/9/2013 c13 1PINKGAZER1990
I am beyond intrigued! I need more. this story is awesome it is riveting and it is fresh! your wording brings so much to the imagination ! I cannot wait for more!
7/15/2012 c13 AnonReadsToo
Please update! I think this story has mad potential to be epic.
6/17/2012 c12 3Miss-You-Too
whooo! Things are getting really spicy cant wait to find out wat happens next (and where did marcus fly off to?)
6/1/2012 c1 4Alys In Wonderland
PLEASE continue with this story! I believe it has great potential because your writing is superb!

Everything that has happened thus far has gotten me hooked, and I have found myself drawn closely towards the characters!

Haha not to bribe you or anything, but my birthday is next Friday and it would be an awesome gift if you updated :D

(Hey, I only do this to encourage your awesome writing ability!) haha but seriously, please update soon because I believe that this could be a real book one day!

- Aislinn
5/9/2012 c11 3LaxVi
I thought that was interesting. This was where you left off last time too, right? Hopefully the next chapter comes out soon!
5/7/2012 c10 Meghan
Ohmygod I'm so happy you didn't give up on this story. I love it! They totally just madeout? Which was a little unexpected but so hot, but why was he so freaked out? Also what happened at the end! Ah! Please please please update.
3/5/2012 c9 LaxVi
This is a but different from the first time I read it. So xandra isn't dating pace this time? Anyways, keep up the good work!
12/19/2011 c9 Anon
Yay! You reviewed! I was scared I'd discouraged you away.

I loved what you've done, I can really picture it all happening, tv-style.

Hoping you update soon so I can find out more about all this:)
11/2/2011 c9 anon
I love your story, it's one of the best I've ever found on fictionpress, but I have to admit I'm beginning to get frustrated.

I dont understand Pace at all, and I know that that's supposed to be the point, because Lacey doesn't either, but still. You'll use a word like "distaste" (i remember he looked at her with distaste in the cafe in another chapter) and then the next minute he's joking...why was he upset with her? Or wasn't he?

I also can't wait until the whole Range thing gets more figured out.

Please update soon!

Oh, and one last comment: you switch between having them speak casually (with contractions-I'll, can't, they're) to very formal "Do not, will not, would not...) and when the writing is formal I feel it's harder to believe the characters, because no one speaks like that all the time.

Anyways, I hope you don't take any of this offensively, I mean it in the kindest way. I'm very honest when I say I love your story. It's very unique and certainly interesting and I greatly look forward to more!
10/30/2011 c2 anon
This chapter was awesome. I really loved it. Curious as to everything that's going on, but I'll keep reading adn find out I gues :)
10/30/2011 c1 Anon
I'm not sure where you live, but I'm from Montreal and when there's snow on the ground, there's definitely no leaves on the trees, green or otherwise. If anything the trees would just be budding. And Montreal is just a few hours away from most New England states, so I dont imagine the two would be that different in those regards.

that detail aside, I like your writing, and I'm off to read more! :)
10/28/2011 c9 hmweasley
I really like this story. It's very suspenseful, and it always leaves me wanting to know what's going to happen. The crow really freaks me out, and I'm really curious about what's behind/under the door. I can't wait until the next chapter!
9/5/2011 c8 3Miss-You-Too
It just keeps getting more and more interesting...please update soon!
9/5/2011 c7 Miss-You-Too
I enjoyed this pace chapter and i hope to read more!
9/5/2011 c6 Miss-You-Too
Not ouch happened in this chapter but still i feel the need to read more
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