Just In
for Pursuit Of Happiness

7/9/2011 c4 Saikado Mai
This chapter was really exiting :D

Pshhh... stupid test is stupid!

I'll go get some oreos now.
7/9/2011 c4 25Esquirella
This is one psychotic bastard!
7/9/2011 c4 4Blank Papyrus
Pfft. Who needs trigonometry anyway? No one , thats who!

Even if there was no lemon, I still LOVED this chapter so much. It gave us an epic look in to his head.
7/9/2011 c4 8deshaunwalker
Loved the chapter, and yes this chapter pretty much answered my question. He's not all bad, but he is still a bit of an asshat. Maybe if he went with a gentler approach? Idk. Just seems like he could've worked harder to get his brother without forcing him. Besides that though, I'm hoping the next chapter does not entail rape, because if it does I will be a sad sack of toast.
7/9/2011 c4 animehog
This is awesome!~ I love it!

I hope those twins get it on in the next chappie~
7/8/2011 c3 7Luckythewolfdog
i did not know this updated and happy it did 3. my friend says you can use words like member,shaft,length,entirety.
7/2/2011 c3 8deshaunwalker
I really like this story! Kind of wondering if Marcus will finally break down and fall in lerv with his brother ^~^ . The situations Malachi keeps putting him through are kind of sad making, but at the same time im just like "Nooooo" on one and and the other doesn't really care. But why is Malachi doing that anyway? Is it because he's in love with him or is he just generally being an asshat to be an asshat? I think that you should write a chapter in Malachi's point of view so that we know how he feels about what he's doing. I'm hoping and assuming that he's not all bad, as most co-main characters are. So Yeahh, and good luck with that 'cock' and 'dick' thing. I have those troubles as well.
6/26/2011 c3 1chuet
Another really good chapter. I'd like to see a little more of Malachi and his father's back story, learn their motives and stuff, but I guess that's sort of hard to express in a first-person story. Anyway, keep it up!
6/26/2011 c2 chuet
Ah, so intense. I really dig this. Gave me butterflies while reading. Your tone is very powerful. Great work.
6/26/2011 c1 chuet
This is pretty interesting so far. I'm very curious to see where this is going. I love your narrative, though it lacks some details that I think might be enjoyable, it's very to-the-point and emotional for its simplicity. Nice work.
6/25/2011 c3 4Blank Papyrus
Oh snap. It's about to go down. O-o Now I cant wait for the next chapter even more.
6/8/2011 c1 25Esquirella
Powerful start!
6/1/2011 c1 Saikado Mai
That was really intriguing.
5/31/2011 c1 7Luckythewolfdog
oh poor boy = Please make more I want to know if he'll escape or not D=
5/31/2011 c1 Tears Of A Wolf
Wow...This has the makings to be really good! Keep going!

I like the way he's still doing his best, even though it's hard for him to avoid. Not giving up all hope and stuff like that.
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