Just In
for Cosmetically Challenged

8/3/2011 c1 Guest
i loved this :) its on my favs

i am cosmetically challenged... i do not dare to use my eyeliner in fear of making disaster happen lol
6/12/2011 c1 8literal.semicolon
You know I'm Makeup-tarded. :/
6/6/2011 c1 9HeadInTheStars
This was very interesting. I have now figured out I am Cosmetically Challenged/make-up-tarded :P
6/5/2011 c1 1Swahili
haha, that was funny ;) make-up tarded. haha, love the word :D
6/5/2011 c1 22slave to the voices
Your sense of of humor beams through again. It over shines your flawless writing skills and amazing fluidity. Another good piece of work!

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