Just In
for Welcome to My Life

9/26/2013 c1 max.kira
Dear... Journal? Diary? Should I name you, or what?,
journal (Diary? What should I refer to you as?)
Love those lines! Keep up the good work!
9/20/2013 c1 GreenTrimble
This is actually a very good idea ... I love the diary idea for a story ... I love stories that are written in a diary format acutally ... But yeah! Great work and continue!
6/28/2011 c1 iheart2sing
This is funny, so far! Your sister recommended you in one of her stories. I like Iggy and Angelo. Are you the sister who made them? I have a license to kill. I made it myself. You should get one! Piper sounds like a funny person to be around.
6/12/2011 c1 8literal.semicolon
Oh, wow, Suzanne. You have to finish at least ONE of your stories. I vote for this one!
6/5/2011 c1 3She is Perfectly Flawed
Oh, this sounds pretty interesting. I'm going to subscribe. You're a good writer and from the little I've seen about Piper, she sounds pretty cool. Keep me posted!

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