Just In
for Quote

9/12/2011 c1 3Choseporfante
That's horrible! Your mother is terrible!
7/30/2011 c1 71Subbie
Wow so much emotion in this. Kinda worried for you mental state here... :/ seeing as you're talking about own death here. Well done though, but I don't agree with any of the intentions... :(
7/19/2011 c1 9Chariline
I read this like twice and it's so sad it makes me cry... Oh Megan, I hope you're doing okay...

There was a lot of bitterness and anger pent up here around the main theme of sadness and agony and I liked how you managed to weave everything in together perfectly, like a handcrafted blanket of words.

Hearts, Chari!

(P.S.: I know I haven't been here in a while but I am here now, so if you need anyone to talk to, drop me a PM.)
7/17/2011 c1 3Misplaced Admiration
This was strikingly real, and I'm sure everyone else who has gone through something similar will be quick to say so. It's written in a way that grabs you attention, being different to the status quo of poetry and really - and I mean really - makes it difficult to look away. I might as well dive into analysis here. I found it very sad of course, but there was this touch of bitterness that keeps popping up; I think that really changes the tone here. That's a hard thing to get right, but you've certainly done it!

Some people are just unbelievable with 'issues' like homosexuality. It still suprises me sometimes. On a side note, I hope you're okay. Hugs from me. :)
7/9/2011 c1 32imissyoudearly
I wish I could write like you. You write beautifully. I really like the way this poem flows, I don't know why. I hope everything is going well.

6/30/2011 c1 16saamf 44
Thank you for letting me listen.
6/26/2011 c1 31YoursInDemigodishness
It wasn't what I expected. Even though it didn't rhyme it was still very good. I loved the last 2 lines. Well, the line and the letters ;) Good job.

Keep writing!

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