Just In
for Professor J, Meet Me Halfway

6/9/2020 c5 MilkyWaySora
Well then! I knew something was going to happen X) Nice job with the conversations in this chapter. Thank you, it was an amusing read :)
6/6/2020 c4 MilkyWaySora
I was reading your comment responses, and yes, Keller is not so much a Mary Sue. I do like her as a character :) Looking forward to seeing what Keller does with Mr. J's kindness and then a movie? Nice ;) Thank you for this chapter :)
6/6/2020 c3 MilkyWaySora
Ooo, I wonder what Roman wants. Do I also sense some progress between the two main characters, if ever so slightly? Tucking that curl and all. Thank you for this chapter :)
6/6/2020 c2 MilkyWaySora
This is a good chapter, thank you :) Fancy meeting your 'young' teacher at the same restaurant you're eating at X)
6/6/2020 c1 MilkyWaySora
Sounds like a good story :) I like all the humor. Keller seems like an awesome character :)
11/30/2014 c34 1ClippedNinja
I realllllllly love the way you write! All that sexual tension was so exciting to read, and all the emotions flowing out of your words really hooked me onto this story! I love Keller's character, love every single thing about her character! I missed that she was sleepy most of the time though! But it makes sense that she had more energy now cause of how serious she was about college and her LVOE for Flynn _ I love how you didn't let it become toooo over dramatic, it all made sense and it was reasonable. I like how she didn't get along with Darla immediately, cause she didn't believe her. It just all made sense and it was like silly or anything. I especially like how slowly they got back their friendship again it was really sweet! I didn't really like the ending much cause it kinda felt like it deadend, it ended kinda abruptly. Or maybe it's the way you write that led me to wanting to read more! But it did feel like the last paragraphs of the story was too short. Still I really enjoyed it and I'm so glad their back together and didn't make stupid decisions that I often read in other stories xD I enjoyed reading about all the characters, Mari too! She was freaky at first and wow annoying, but she really turned out to be cool and funny!
8/12/2014 c34 chloe
That was amazing. it felt like i was reading an actual book.
12/26/2013 c34 2renegade01
Hey I really liked this story especially since I got to read it from beginning to end. Awesome job with it. You're a talented writer ;-)
10/29/2013 c24 Le Meerkat
Oh My Fucking Gosh...

I never realised you had already finished Prof J! OMG and here I was wondering why you weren't posting on The Write Away hahahahahahaha

YAYYYYYYYYYYYY FANBOY TIME! ... squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel hahahahah

thanks for the chapter... not sure if there's anything to point and spelling are okay.. and this chapter seemed more of a linking fluff chapter ooh time to read the rest :P
7/16/2013 c34 1LiexTruth
7/15/2013 c28 5xxxheartlandxxx
Poor Keller, that made me cry a little bit! This was a great chapter though!
6/23/2013 c34 Guest
No it can't be over I'm still left with so many questions what's Kellers dads reaction does she ever have mr J's kids does she ever move in with him or do they get married? I HAVE TO KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! Oh my gosh I loved that book and now that it's over I don't know what to do ;( IM SO LOST !
6/18/2013 c34 2Passionofawriter
well thank you, that was truly enchanting, that story.
you're my reason for having 4 hours sleep last night.
Feel guilty...
6/16/2013 c34 Myself
Ohmygod that was so f*cking gooooood *p*

3 days , that's the time it took me to read it completely. I just couldn't stop. I mean , seriously , you're genius.

Now I'm going to read all of your others stories *o*

(My words may sound strange , but please overlook it , I'm French ')
6/9/2013 c10 1macy8
this is a great story it seems to have had alot of thought...although there are a couple of things that dont make any sense...she absolutly said that her next door neighbor was not attractive but then she said he was in another chapter
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