Just In
for One in Every Family

3/22/2012 c14 1Sachi Nehme
Wow. Just, wow.

Points for creativity! Despite the high amount of celebrities going into rehab/clinic, I haven't seen a story about meeting one there.

I tend to stay away from stories that involve psychiatric facilities because they tend to be highly unrealistic and over-dramatized (what, was their research "Girl, Interrupted"?). However, I love that you put just enough detail to make the reader think, "Okay. Yes. This is a place that could exist." But you leave a lot to the imagination, so there's no chance for it to get very surreal.

Wonderful, absolutely riveting!
2/18/2012 c14 Alixermixer
I really like this story and I hope you come back to finish. I feel bad for Talia, she kinda of like a yo-yo between the boys. I feel like Jack is going to pick Abby and hurt Talia in the process. I hope that Evan keeps his promise that they will hang out when he gets out.
1/5/2012 c14 2Twistedin2Delusions
Omg! I love this story. Please update soon. ;)
12/22/2011 c1 Guest
I just read this whole thing today, and I didnt want to stop. I fell in love with your characters and I would love for you to update soon :)
11/23/2011 c14 funkysam94
loved your story! it was amazing :) update soon
11/15/2011 c14 the vcg
I really really enjoyed your story. Very original and even though the main character is in high school it doesnt read like a typical cheesy high school romance. I hope you update soon, I am looking forward to seeing how the spring fling goes!
10/15/2011 c14 mihaela
I am very sory for the late review, but my computer broke and it took me forever to fix it, but I can not wait to read more, please update soon
10/15/2011 c14 7gulistala
Jack's drifting away towards Abby and by the time he finalises that, I really hope Talia and Evan would've further established their relationship. Really hope so.

Keep up the good work, I'm really interested in this story!
10/15/2011 c11 gulistala
Okay so Nina's not the sister but a daughter of a nurse. Hah. I don't know why that didn't occur me, too.
10/15/2011 c9 gulistala
Nina is Evan's sister! And Evan's using a different surname so people don't identify his family! Am I right? Or they're half siblings.
10/15/2011 c7 gulistala
Meeting with Jack Tuesday night? When Evan can make calls? This should very, very interesting.
10/15/2011 c5 gulistala
10/15/2011 c4 gulistala
What's Evan's connection to Constant Chaos? Hmmm
9/26/2011 c14 MCM315
Hm, I'm not sure what to think of Jack. I want Talia with Evan, but I don't think it's the right time for them to get together yet, so...we'll see what happens. lol. Sorry, not much to say, so I'll just keep reading. :)

Thanks for the update despite what's going on in your life. I hope things are getting better. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
9/22/2011 c14 Lucy Freebird
Her organ wants Evan lol. Great chapter.
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