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for Horrorwood PI

2/20/2012 c32 833Jave Harron
I expected the final chapter to be a bit longer, although it might just be better to fold it into the previous chapter near the end. Aside from that, "Lonesome Town" was a pretty good story, and a nice conclusion if you wanted to end Dwight's adventures.
2/12/2012 c30 Jave Harron
The pacing of this chapter seemed to flow pretty well. The end of a certain character was rather amusing to watch, but looking forward to seeing the conclusion of the novel here.
2/1/2012 c29 Jave Harron
I enjoyed some of the nice dark events coming to pass in this chapter. A certain fatality caught me off guard, and I liked the action scene. The pacing with the ritual and the following chase scene seemed a bit jarring, although pacing was mostly good in the rest of the chapter.
10/16/2011 c23 Jave Harron
I'm liking Felix, since he seems to be a more sinister take on your traditional young sidekick. The town itself is nice and odd, and the female friend of Felix is a nice twist. The roadhouse and biker gang are also fun, and looking forward to seeing how they intervene.
10/16/2011 c17 Jave Harron
These three stories since Vamp City I read are all good stand alones. Of the three, Lonely Science was my favorite due to the subject matter being a longtime favorite of mine. The pacing was better in "Ivory White" and "Desert Sins," though.
10/13/2011 c1 8NeonAngels
You should totally publish this. Dwight Harrow could become the next Simon Templar for all we know!

What I'm trying to say is: this is too epic.
8/26/2011 c16 833Jave Harron
Bravo! I enjoyed the Vamp City novel and the nice noirish twists at the end. Sad to see you know who go, but this is a pretty nice effort from you. The main drawbacks in my opinion were a few fight and action scenes that seemed to end rather quickly, and a few scenes that seemed rather vague (like was a certain character killed or knocked out in the final battle) at first. No kid here, and the college student was a good morality pet. I appreciate the effort, and I look forward to new stories with you, and more stuff involving Dwight.
8/26/2011 c15 Jave Harron
This was one hell of a home run. You've made a climax that I think is one of the cooler battle scenes you've written. Dealing with Boris was rather anti-climatic, but I enjoyed the final battle with the primary villain. I look forward to see how this all ends.
8/26/2011 c14 Jave Harron
I really like a lot of the crazy and desperate alliances Dwight is forced to make here. The Black Eagles (especially your Lovecraft expy and Model X) are pretty awesome. Hoping to see more of them in future stories. For now, let's see how the final battle plays out.
8/26/2011 c1 2Strangely Blind To You
An amazing start there, I liked how you jumped right into the story with your first chapter. You really got my attention with your first sentence there and made me want to read more. Good job with your story and good luck! The title was cheesy but actually fits once you start reading :)

~Strangely Blind To You

Of Reviewers United
8/25/2011 c1 6Matcha-mousse
Hello! I've just got to say that you really do a good job writing, its like actually watching a black and white Noir movie.

The language is there, too.
8/20/2011 c12 833Jave Harron
Okay, I'm really liking the relationship between Anita and Dwight so far, and the fun family dynamics. I expect that a certain crazy hunter character may not stay out of the picture for long. I'm liking Dwight's development and a few revelations about him, made possible due to your awesome writing. The supporting cast, like the gang leaders (especially the leader of the bikers), is also a blast to read. Looking forward to seeing how this all ends up.
8/9/2011 c9 Jave Harron
Okay, I'm enjoying the series so far. You homage a lot of cool vampire tropes, from ugly feral buggers to high class ones. I'm interested in Buddy, a certain mysterious attacker, and where the story is going. However, this most recent chapter is exactly the same as an earlier one. I'll check back after you change it.
7/31/2011 c6 Jave Harron
Okay, a bit of investigating is always good. Good to see there's not all just action here. The seedy 50s dives are always a good environment. I do like how you describe Dwight recalling memories and how being a Frankenstein affects his mind. Looking forward to more.
7/31/2011 c5 Jave Harron
Okay, so far, we're off to a good start. A nice bloody introduction, some corrupt cops, sinister nobles, and crooked business is a great way to start things off. The secretary is a nice companion, liking her so far. One minor quip is the name 'Druganov' sounds awfully close to a certain Russian sniper rifle.
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