Just In
for Forever A Music

11/29/2011 c4 1Believe in Words
You updated quickly :D Okay, this is great! I was a tad confused by her additude at the beginning of the chapter, but it quickly cleared up. I also like the tension between Flora and Krystine, but not with any of the other band kids and Flora. Adds drama :3

One thing I noticed is that you're missing a few commas here and there. "Turning slightly she saw a bunch of boys in a car whooping and hollering." There should be a comma after slightly.
11/22/2011 c3 Believe in Words
I'm very surprised this has no reviews! Your story is unique, not some cheerleader-meets-jock or loner-gets-bad-boy story. I like how you explain the relationship between Krystine and J.P.

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